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My LiL KoRnEr Of ThE wOrLd

*Hey...A few of the pictures/links right now don't work! sorry... i'm working on it! Check back soon, thanks!*


    hay, what's up? my name is Julia. I'm 16 and live in Virginia. My b-day is Sept. 3 {i accept presents!!!} I DriVe a HoNdA CiViC. i'll get a pic of me in it ASAP!

    I have brown eyes, and short brown hair with highlights, i'm 5'4, see my pic by clicking on the "My PhOTO aLbUm" link below, or if you're in a hurry, jus click HeRe.

    I like playing sports, but mostly dancing! *8 years of jazz n hip hop* i like talking on the phone, going 2 the mall/movies, driving around, n just hanging out with friends, etc. I finally figured out what i wanna do later on in life... check it out: an interpreter with foreign relations and economics, nice, huh? :)

    some of my closer friends are: aLLiSoN, AaRoN, aLLeN JeAneLLe, RoB, JiMmY, Kim GrAnT (when we're on the same level, lol), fLeX, ChRiS, Ro, StEvEn, JeN, RyAn, MaTt, KyLe, etc

    I live with my mom, dad, and little 11 year old sister, named Elana.

    I have a 7 year old black cocker spaniel/poodle named Lilly. To see her pic, click HeRe and a lovebird named Izzy. Anything else you wanna know,

StUfF tO Do oN mY SiTe

tHe FuN pAgE!

My PoEmS

My sLaMbOok

My PoLL--tAkE iT

My NeWeR PhOtO AlBuM

My oLd PhOtO AlBuM

FrEnCh FoReiGn ExChAnGe StUdEnT piX

My FaVoRiTe LiNkS

JeNnY's PaGe

go here and take the poll!!!

a place to make some cards!

get AOL instant messenger

thanx 4 visiting my page. e-mail me please if you want to know more bout me, and sign my guestbook. new pix are going up every once in a while... so check back! :0)~

and if you have AOL INSTANT MESSANGER>> MY SCREEN NAME IS>> JulzGulz673

here's my remote:

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