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_.~*^'My NeW PhOtO aLbUm'^*~._

HaY! i FiNaLLy GoT sOmE nEw OnEs (aLL fRoM 2001)! EnJoY!

a pic of me w/ my new haircut! May~2001

Me N eStEr...MaY 2001

another one of me n ester *sideways*

this is neighbor.. aint he hott!?..MaY~2001

david w/ the finger.. and ME.. MaY~2001

EsTeR and her BoYfRiEnD! jus playin! :) April~2001

DaNiEL! aww! :) ApRiL~2001

EsTeR aGaiN! ApriL/mAy~2001 (her #'s 555-0123)

ThAt'S aLl I hAvE 4 NoW...I'lL tRy 2 GeT mOrE uP A.s.A.p. thanx!

To tHe FrEnCh ExChAnGe StUdEnT piX

To ThE oLd PiX pAgE

BaCk 2 ThE mAiN pAgE