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Krayzie Bone

-Name, Anthony Henderson
-Born on June 3, 1974
-23 yearz ol'
-2 kidz, Destiny and Carlandra
-Nick name, leather face
-Description, usually seen wit a somber, unsmilin face, mostly reserved unless tha ryhme spiritz hit him, and he getz him self on a roll, creative and spontaneous, lyrics seem ta flow from Krayzie'z lipz wit out effort, his improvisational skillz apart of tha uniqueness dat iz bone thugs -n- harmony
-he iz doin a solo album comin out probably early 98, he haz 14 songz done so far

Bizzy Bone

-Name, Byron McCane
-Born on August 24, 1976
-21 yearz ol'
-4 kidz, we dont know tha namez yet
-Nick name, rest in peace
-Description, we dont think we've eva seen tha Bizzy Bone wit out his trademark plastic shower cap, if Krayzie iz somber, then Bizzy iz down right lively, dis member of tha Bone crew iz tha most quiet, a thoughtful look alwayz stamped on his face
-hiz dad died not too long ago, becuz of illness, he wuz in hiz 50'z
-he iz doin a solo album comin out late 97, or early 98
-it will be called Thuggish Eruption (Serious Harmony) here for tha track list

Layzie Bone

-Name, Steven Howse
-Born on September 25, 1977
-19 yearz ol'
-2 kidz, one 4 year ol son, and R.I.P. ta hiz otha child Angel who died az an infant of a lung defect
-Nick name, #1 assasin
-Description, known az tha fine 1, Layzie Bone iz perhapz tha flashiest of tha Bonez, hiz temper quick and laughta swift
-he also will be comin out wit an album, but we are not sure when itz comin out

Wish Bone

-Name, Charles Scruggs II
-Born on February 10, 1975
-22 yearz ol'
-1 kid, Charles III
-Nick name, Strate Jacket
-Description, quiet and introspective, Wish Bone becomez animated in tha company of hiz Cleveland homiez, hez stated dat Cleveland iz tha place thay luv best, becuz there thay are free ta be themselvez
-he will comin out wit an album, but we are not sure when itz comin out

Flesh -n- Bone

-Name, Stan Howse
-Born on June 23, 1973
-24 yearz ol'
-2 kidz, Chase and Heaven
-Nick name, triple 6th thug and tha 5th thug
-Description, a serious thinka, Flesh -n- Bone iz a commited family man who became a fatha a couple monthz back
-He already haz a solo album called T.H.U.G.S. A.K.A. Trues Humbly United Gatherin Souls, but he will be comin out wit a new solo album, we dont know what itz called yet

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