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11th Degree, Elu Of The Twelve, A Heart Aflame

Jim Tresner, 33°, Grand Cross

PO Box 70, Guthrie, Oklahoma 73044–0070

The 11th Degree apron (right) is white, lined and bordered in black, and with a black flap. As before, black represents those negative qualities typified by ignorance, error, and intolerance. White represents purity of life and intention. On the apron is a flaming heart, a symbol repeated on the cordon. The flaming heart represents zeal and devotedness, especially the zeal and devotedness of those who, throughout the world's history, have sacrificed themselves for the good of their country or mankind.
On the cordon, above the heart, are the words Vincere aut Mori, "Conquer or Die."

The jewel is a sword of gold. It represents truth. The allusion is to Hebrews 4:12, "Truth is sharper than any two-edged sword."

All these emblems point to devotedness, activity, zeal—and they can be a little uncomfortable. After all, we're told to "keep our cool," to "chill out," to "relax and go with the flow."

And here is the Scottish Rite saying "be committed," "care deeply and passionately," "fight against the current." It's the difference between a comfortable life and a productive life. And the sad truth is that the productive life is seldom comfortable.

The Degree teaches that the Scottish Rite Mason must be actively involved in the government of his nation. Unjust taxes, governmental bureaucracies more concerned with self-perpetuation than with service, creeping limitations on the freedom of the people—in the name of expediency, or of conformity, or of "the greater good"—are not new. They have been recorded in virtually every government from antiquity to today. If we are truly to be the champions of the people (as the Rite calls upon us to be), we must be concerned with every miscarriage of justice, every unreasonable limitation of liberty, every arbitrary act of court or state house or capital.

Our special concern must be for those who do not have easy access to the courts, nor the ear of those in power, nor influence with city hall. Their very powerlessness creates a binding obligation on every Mason of the Rite. It would be far easier, and far more comfortable, to "chill out."

But our duty is to be aflame. 

Scottish Rite Regalia Photos And Prints

Illustrations of the Scottish Rite regalia paintings by Brother Robert H. White, 32°, (11th Degree, Elu of the Twelve painting pictured above) are available in two formats:

(1) individual 8" x 12" or 11" x 14" color photographs and
(2) grouped photos in a color 22" x 33" poster.

To order individual photographs, please contact Brother Bruce A. Dehlin, K.D. Enterprises, 10114 Farmington Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030–2049. Tel. (703) 591-5318; Fax: (703) 591-6026; E-mail:

To order color posters picturing all the regalia paintings, Fourth through Thirty-third Degrees, including the K.C.C.H. and Grand Cross, send a check (domestic only) for $20.00 payable to The Supreme Council, 33°, S.J., USA to:

Grand Executive Director's Office
1733 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009–3103


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