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Barnes & Noble

now this is one of those restrooms that you definitely should take advantage of when you need to pee. after i had just hit up the hollywood restroom scene (somewhat) and UCLA, i decided to venture down to the main street strip and then back to 3rd st. after a few detours along the way, i finally reach the goal. now this particular example is the men's restroom on the 3rd floor. yes, a little bit of a hassle goin up a couple of escalators but this usually makes this restroom not quite so crowded so that's always a plus. as w/ most Barnes and Noble's restrooms, this one isnt really all that, but it is simple and obviously very accessible and of course the real kicker is it's usually very clean so add that all up & it more than makes up for the trek up to the 3rd floor. here's the pic.

as i stated, it's nothing really striking, but it's all good as far as restrooms go. i dont really know how many times i've used this particular one, but it's sure been a bunch. i think i've actually used this restroom everytime i've hung out around 3rd st. for any length. as you see in the pic, the only real noteworthy thing is the funky little lighting fixtures they got above the mirror. otherwise, youve got your stalls and a disabled stall w/ a little babycenter thing that vandals seem to like to mess around w/. you've got your black counter top and sink and liguid soap dispensers. yup, definitely a nice little restroom experience here. so if you need to pee, just trek on up to the Barnes and Noble on the corner of Wilshire and 3rd st. it's always good here.

Yankee Doodles
