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The Roosevelt Hotel

well, it was 6 am in the fuckin morning sunday, i had just hung out w/ the cuzs phil & del & learned the chords to one of the all time greatest songs of fuckin all time, & basically just done absolutely nothing constructive w/ my weekend. so what do i do?!? i drive back to hollywood & take fuckin pics of restrooms. i must be a fuckin retard. awright. i had been spying this whole Roosevelt Hotel thing for the longest fuckin time & i thot it was tight bldg. i didnt know if it would be open but i just went right in. here's the cool shit about this restroom. as soon as you walk thru the door, it's right there on the left side so you just go thru that door & the door behind it & voi la! you're there. of course, this hotel was fuckin swank w/ the whole lavish furniture & decor up the ass. i had thot the restrooms would be kinda snooty but instead here's what i saw.

i really dont know if i'm just bein fuckin uncharitable but the way this joint is set up when you walk in, you'd think this was the fuckin Savoy er sumpthin. the restrooms, altho sanitary, spacious, & easily accessible, left a little bit of a twinge. mebbe it's just cognitive dissonance. i dunno. well, to tell the truth, the restrooms were top notch (now that i consider this is Hollywood, this was definitely 7th heaven around here). this shot takes into account the stalls & the whole sink/mirror setup. the goob w/ the camera is me obviously.

now the 2nd pic takes the urinals into account. not exactly anything like Dodd Hall or the Yamashiro, but it's serviceable &, hey, again, this is Hollywood. i dunno if this is sumpthin that you can stumble into during the wee hours of the morning, but obviously, if you're needin to go & you're in the area, the choices to go would be either Hamburger Hamlet (which is also featured) or the Roosevelt as far as accessibility (c'mon, this was 6 AM!!!!). right. so for sanitariness, accessibility, & overall comfort, this was definitely a goldmine of a restroom. not necessarily the coolest restroom (hunkered down w/ generic restroom accessories as it is), but the digs are pretty cool so you can forget about the restrooms & just hang out at the lobby.

Hamburger Hamlet
