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the Studio Cafe

ok. i had taken the pics of the Roosevelt Hotel restrooms & it was still waaay too early for anythin else to be open, except for this. i had debates about whether to bother to do this one or not, but i said "fuck it" so i did. i swung the jimmy mobile back around & i was lookin for some parkin. i was just passin the entrance & this one fool was arguin w/ the parking enforcement lady (what a total dork!). the dude was totally in violation & he got a ticket. so i see this & decide to be careful for once & i park right up the street next to the hollywood office for takin back the community or sumpthin (they were all wearin like yellow t-shirts). so i lock the car, walk in, & see the dude bitchin to his friend bout the ticket he got & sayin shit like "it's 8 o clock sunday morning..." blah blah blah. the tv was on & the french open final was on. for some odd reason, i dunno what it is (i guess i'm a tennis nut via genetics) but i didnt watch the game. i caught a glimpse of the score: 2-1 andrei medvedev. the weird part is i swore i thot agassi would pull it out. (then again, i was think bout how he'd never actually come back from 2 sets down to win, so i was thinkin he was due). so anywayz, i guess takin pics of restrooms was more important. so i walk over to the counter & i'm like a total moron & ask to use the restroom (sign on restroom door: "for customers only"). so he gives me the key & i walk in. very cramped, not exactly the height of cleanliness, but definitely close to the entrance & the guys here are pretty friendly so the accessibility factor is definitely a plus. here's the pic.

well, there's a urinal & a commode, so that's good. as said b4, it's very cramped so space is a premium. i guess they hadn't cleaned it up that day either. the is actually straight in front of the commode (the angle couldn't quite capture it, but it's nothin special, just a generic sink. that about wraps it up. so i get out, give the key back, & say adios.

the Burgeoise Pig
