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I've been an artist all my life. My parents were artists, and I grew up
around creative people. Among the mediums I've worked in are charcoal,
pencil, pen-and-ink, acrylics/water color, and recently I've worked
with computer-generated graphics and design. I am also a potter and
clay pipe-maker, wood-carver, a flint knapper, and leather and
rawhide work is also among my recognized skills.

Quality illustrations are often needed to convey important information--
information that might not be sufficiently conveyed by photographs or
words alone. As a vital part of any presentation, written information
is combined with meaningful graphic illustrations to tell a complete
story. Your 'story' should be told with precision, in a manner that
brings to life the meaning and importance of your product, service
or collection, social event or to document something that must be
done so in a clear way that leaves no doubts about your intent.

Each and every project I take on is given my devotion and attention to
detail, and each project will be treated as if it were my own. I do not
have established rates for the performance of my work, but seek to work
with you, my valued client, to provide you with an affordable service
That you will appreciate both in terms of quality and cost.

The web offers vast resources to apply to the illustrative qualities
of your web-site. To alter and recreat existing images is a valuable
skill that I am offering for your needs. The combinations of various
images can evoke wonder, interest and inceases in sales when done well.
I invite you to have a look at the artistic works I've created with my
photographic and computer skills, in addition to the images on my homepage:

Horses Headstart

Queensview Cavaliers

Trimbles' Tavern Antiques

The first two sites are curently under construction and are awaiting
clearance of either the domain name from another web-server, or graphics
and scripting from its owner. The third site listed is nearing completion
and MBG will be hosting it as well.

The following links are to images I've created and convey information of
importance to the reader about the subjects written of on their respective
web-pages. These images are crafted using simple computer programing and
images selected for their content as it applies to their related texts

Early weaponry of the Jamestown era

Captain John Smith and Wahunsenaca compared
as equals in their respective worlds

Pen-and-Ink sketch done for a proposed archaeological publication

Other illustrations and graphics, photographs and images I've photoshopped
may be seen on the web-pages listed on MBg's homepage.

I strive to keep costs down--others charge what most consider to be
outrageous fees of up to $80/hour and more! I will charge only for
completed workby the piece or by contract for the whole, and you will
save money by seeking my work over what others' will charge you!

E-mail me!

Web Design and Photography by Mobjack Bay Graphics