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Dunole Odalv

Translation:Winds of the Mountain

Closest translation to the name of my web page

The Dawes Index

This is an index to over 14,000 records of individuals in the Five Civilized Tribes that applied for citizenship under the Act of 1896. The Five Civilized Tribes include the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek and the Seminole. Each record includes the individual's name, tribe, and case number. This compilation, in effect an Indian census, was also used as the basis for the allotment of tribal lands to individual Indians.

The following ancestors applied for citizenship in the Cherokee Nation and applied to the Dawes Commission. The people on this list are descendants of Peter Huskey. Family oral history says that Peter was married to a woman who was at least 50% Cherokee Indian. Possibly full blooded. Some of the applicants or their witnesses specified a quantum blood percentage. Each of those for whom I have records, trace their linage to Isaac Huskey, son of Peter. According to the records, their applications were turned down. Two of them known to have been turned down because "Applicant or ancestors were never enrolled." Does not appear that they were living within the limits of the Cherokee Territory in 1835-6 and 1846 as recognized members of the tribe. Most of the applicants were born in Sevier County, Tennessee which is outside of the territory recognized as belonging to the Cherokee. Peter Huskey (possibly Junior) moved from Sevier County to Illinois and Missouri. Some records of those individuals residing in Missouri give descriptions which could well point to Indian blood.

During the time that Isaac Huskey was alive, it was not acceptable to admit to Indian blood. Many of those who were part Indian claimed white only. This also prevented them from being shipped to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears.

The underlined names have copies of the applications on my site. Just click on the link to see them. There are at least 2 pages for each one. You can go to the next page by clicking on the link at the bottom. For those who would like to have a copy, let me know and I can send you a jpg copy by email. You can also contact the National Archives in Texas to obtain copies of applications for other names listed here. I have a copy of the form and you can order the records by email and the service at the Archives in Texas is superb.

        NAME                          CASE #

W. L. HUSKEY                                           2535

MILLO HUSKEY                                        2536

MADISON HUSKEY                                 2537

MANKER M. HUSKEY                            2856

SALINA HUSKEY REAGAN**                            4254

ISAAC M. HUSKEY                                 2858

F. E. HUSKEY                                             3445

ISAAC HUSKEY                                        3447

MARY HUSKEY                                        4720

ISAAC TOM HUSKEY                             4753

ISAAC B. HUSKEY                                   4772

MELVIN HUSKEY                                     4801

STEPHEN T. HUSKEY                               4802

JOHN W. HUSKEY                                   4804

JAMES A. HUSKEY                                 4805

SHEROD A. HUSKEY                              4806

WILLIAM S. HUSKEY                             4808

JOHN HUSKEY                                          4959

JACKSON P. HUSKEY                             5288

THOMAS J. HUSKEY                               5562

JOHN W. HUSKEY                                    5562

NOAH L. OGLE                                           2552

BRAZELTON OGLE                                    4972

ISAAC M. OGLE                                           4972

LEANDER L. OGLE                                     4973

LEVI OGLE                                                    4974

CALVIN E. OGLE                                         4975

NICHOLAS H. OGLE                                    4976

ROBERT J. OGLE                                          5562

There are two Isaac M. Huskeys listed. I have copies of the application of one of them but it does not specify the case number and I can not match it with certainty to the correct person at this time. If you are tracing an Isaac M., check the wife and children to see if this might be the one you're searching for.

Isaac M. Huskey

**NOTE:I also have a copy of the application of Salina's husband, George Reagan. There is almost nothing on it. It was turned down with little comment. It appears that he provided no witnesses or information to make them consider his application.

Aisv Nv wa do hi ya do

(walk in peace)