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Did I ever tell you how much you mean to me?
We have shared so many years filled with wonderful times...

So many happy times when we gathered around
the table laughing, talking and sharing.
So many phone calls when I just had to talk to my Mama...

And in those times I never doubted your love or your care,
for I was your child and lived with that love...

As your firstborn, I knew you when...
You were a child yourself just beginning to experience life.

Do you know that in those times when you were teaching me
how to talk and walk that you were also
teaching me how to live,
and for that I am so grateful...

I remember the day I realized you were really shorter than me...
Somehow, someway, I always thought you were so very tall.
I remember the day I saw the graying hair...
Did your spirit of youth hide it before?

Did I ever tell you how much you mean to me?
I know I said I love you so many times,
but do you know that I mean it with all my heart and soul?

Do you know that with all the lessons you taught me,
you were giving me such a wonderful heritage of love?

Do you know that in those times when you listened
to my childhood tales and "What I want to be when I grow up"
that you were listening to my future
and giving me such hope to achieve those dreams?

Did I ever tell you how much you meant to me
in all those days when skates and bikes and puppy dogs
were a part of my world?

I remember the day you decided to retire.
I was so happy for you.
Through so many long years,
I had watched you work so hard
to raise my brothers and sisters and me.
I am glad I was there on that day
to watch you begin to enjoy your retirement years.

No matter where I've roamed...
No matter the span of time..
A simple picture brings forth a memory.
I look across the years and see
myself beside my Mama's knee.

And today I am grown and far away,
but always you are with me in my heart.
For I am a part of you and you of me...
and even though I grew up and walked on...

I carry you with me in all the places I go
and in all the dreams I have...
for I will always be your child
and you will always be my Mama.
I love you. More than this could ever say...
more than I can ever show...
you were the first love to touch my heart
and forever you will stay that way!
