Recently, I was the unfortunate victim of an Oral Surgeon. After a couple of
visits to my regular dentist, it was confirmed that surgery was the only
option to cure my problem.
During this traumatic period in my life, I depended on close friends to aid
and comfort me. I thought the least they'd do would be to organize a fund
raising event. Maybe some movie stars, singers, Jerry Lewis. Just tasteful
enough to provide moral and financial support.
Instead, I was abused and mistreated. "Graham Cracker" led this assault on
my senses. Below is a transcript of part of the conversation before the
final insult. We are web sisters and bear in mind that we work together, too.
"Hey Thuthen...
Did I mith anythin today? I feel juth grate. Doctor Levtin getha a
little ruffth thumtime. Cut my lip with thumthin while tryin to get to
touf. I'm on the havy drugth. I'm thopothed to be on lickwid diet.
Talk to you latr."
"Do you know how many etthe there are in the Engleth language?
Dank you for the cardeth. Altho the lath one wath not nithe! For thum
reethon, I want thum peanuth and of coureth I can't eat dem. I may take a
double doth of medithin and eat anyway.
I can't even call Woof what I normally do. The little Thith wanteth to
play gameth at the door. Thee why I never have dental wuk before coming
to wuk? People like you would harrath me. Thattha and Donner need to go to
the vet. Will you dake them? I promith that Thattha will not bite you."
Here in my time of need, she grosses me out by sending a 3rd card that made
me have a relapse. I may be in counseling for the rest of my life. She took
a copy of her senior prom picture and made "a greeting card" out of it. I am
including a copy of this gross card so you can judge for yourself. If you
feel as I do, that Graham Cracker is mean, please let her know. Her URL is
accessible from the card. As soon as I can, I will design a ribbon so you can
put it on your website to show support for this cause to which I have dedicated
myself. We must stop Graham Cracker before she sends such a picture to some
other unsuspecting soul!
And later----