One of my nieces had bought a $3.00 black wig. Reason unknown. Assume it was for Halloween. This wig was a highlight of one evening's entertainment. All of the gathered family got to try on the wig and have their picture taken for future reference. I have to admit that a couple of us managed to wiggle out of this. The photographer and one other both blatenly lied about "already tried it".
Notice in the background of one of the pictures where some of the teenagers are hiding their faces so no one will recognize them. As soon as I get pictures of them, I will not only add the pictures, but name them and the high school they go to.
A couple of the family members actually looked pretty good in it. Those will not appear on this page! Only the ones that provided much laughter will be included. The photographer is slow about sending the rest of the pictures. So for now, these will have to do.
Be sure to look at the last picture. If you can look at it without laughing, you need to loosen up.