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Aftermath and Side Effects

12 juin 2000

DISCLAIMER: This work of speculative fiction is not meant to infringe upon the rights of the author of the Vampire Chronicles, Knopf Publishing, Random House Books, Fritzel's European Jazz Pub, Oz, Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop, Café Lafitte in Exile, Galatoire's Restaurant, The Old Absinthe House Bar, The Jazz Café, The New Orleans Saints, the NOPD or The City of New Orleans. No money will be made from this work.

Rating: R for Language
Characters: Daniel and Louis
SPOILERS: Major Spoilers for TVA

French/English Glossary

German/English Glossary


* * * * * * *

Daniel returned more than an hour later, he pulled out a chair at Louis's table and sat down. "I want you to know that the hotel room cost more than me!"

"Where are they?" Louis asked, alarmed.

"Don't get your jockeys in a bunch. I took them to their hotel. They'll be a little weak when they wake up, but they'll be fine." Daniel signaled for a waitress. "You want to tell me what this is all about, now?"

"Fritzel's European Jazz Pub is where all of the best musicians end up after their regular sets. It also happens to be a favorite of foreign tourists, especially Germans."

"That's very interesting, but I meant the little pimp fantasy you just played out."

"I said you should feed."

"I could have found my own meal."

"This was more fun."

"For you."

"For both of us Daniel, don't pretend."

"How did you know I wouldn't kill them?"

"Because I knew that you were aware that I did not intend for you to do so, and I trusted you."

"I will kill later tonight, you know."

"Of course, as will I."

The waitress finally made her way to their table and Daniel ordered a peppermint Schnapps.

"Well, at least now I can speak German," Daniel said.

Louis smiled.

The Schnapps came with another Guinness for Louis.

"PROSIT!" They toasted each other and quickly poured their drinks into glasses on neighboring tables.
"Well, Louis, the music is very good, but I did come to get drunk."

"Yes, alright, why don't you go and I'll meet you at Lafitte's in an hour or so?"

"Lafitte's in Exile or the Blacksmith Shop?"

"I meant the Blacksmith Shop, would you rather the other?"

"Yeah, I might feel like dancing," Daniel winked at him.

"Fine. I'd like to see how much you'll bring on the American market."

Daniel walked down the street to the neon bedecked gay dance club, Oz, and proceeded to cruise for his supper. He focused on the most drunk and/or high patrons and soon he was warm, full and pretty well buzzed.

Louis walked the dark alleyways of Bourbon Street, passing up several people as his hunger built. Finally, the need overtook him and he found himself reaching for a girl and pulling her sweet neck to his mouth. He drained her in seconds and dropped her. To his horror, he realized that he'd come upon, not one, but three people, and had snatched the girl from the group and killed her right in front of them. The two men were panicked. One hastily finished the injection he'd been administering to himself and turned to run. Louis caught him easily, and bit into his jugular as he held the other immobile against the alley wall. Drunk with ecstasy and drugged blood, he let the first man slide lifelessly from his hands and then emptied the second, letting him likewise join his companions on the ground. Louis then leaned against the wall, enjoying his swoon. He could feel as well as hear the music coming from inside the bar. It was a driving insistent beat that reminded him of voodoo dances and rituals he'd seen in the slave quarters at Pointe du Lac. Ah, Evette, she was a fiery vixen. He wondered what ever became of their children; Michel, Remy, Marie-Richard and the twins, Monique and Merrique. He'd lost track of them after one of the later generations merged with that wild, incestuous, Irish clan of witches. 'Irish,' he thought, 'I must meet Daniel.' And he staggered off to Lafitte's.

It being near four a.m., the crowd at Café Lafitte in Exile was in full debauch when Louis arrived. He spotted Daniel across the room and made his way through the mob of patrons who were dancing, kissing, drinking, stripping, flirting and talking, all simultaneously. Louis and Daniel met somewhere near the middle and hugged and kissed each other as if they'd been parted for centuries.

"Listen!" Daniel shouted, hurting the ears of the mortals close by, "I've been thinkin' 'bout Armand and all that shit he wrote, an' Lestat pulling all this laying-on-the-chapel-floor-comatose-then-gettin'-up-and-abandoning-everyone-to-hear-some-bitch-play-piano shit, and I think, what we oughta do is, right now, go straight to Mariuseses . . .Mariususisez . . .Marisees . . .Mari- you know, and kick the shit out of 'em!"

"FOUTRE OUI!!" Louis agreed, nodding vigorously. "Allons-y!"

And at that, they rushed out of the bar, bruising several patrons in the process. Once they reached the doorway, however, the nearness of dawn penetrated their blood and chemical soaked brains.

"AH, FOUTRE NON!" Louis swore, smashing a hole in the doorjamb with his fist.


Louis sighed, "Demain soir?"

"Tomorrow night." Daniel agreed.

With that they trudged back to the town house in the Rue Royale, arriving just as the sky began to lighten.

The next night they awoke to the aftermath of their binge. The headline of the Times-Picayune screamed BIZARRE VAMPIRE KILLINGS IN THE FRENCH QUARTER.

"Uh-oh," Daniel said quietly.

Louis switched on the television to hear the news.

"-discovery of three bloodless corpses found in the alley between The Old Absinthe House Bar and The Jazz Café, another was found in a dumpster behind Galatoire's Restaurant, two more were washed ashore on the riverbank just minutes ago. The body found behind Galatoire's has been identified, and he was last seen with a blond man, white, approximately six feet tall, with ash blond hair, described as 'very hot'. A man fitting this description was seen with another white man, approximately 5 feet ten inches tall, with black hair, described as 'a babe', in the Café Lafitte In Exile Bar between 3 and 4 a.m. They are wanted for questioning. If you have any information, please contact the police at 821-2222. In other news, two German Exchange Students apply for immediate residence citing personal reasons-"

Daniel clicked the power off. "So, Lou, ever been to Tahiti?"

"I hear it is very nice this time of year," Louis answered. He walked over to the answering machine which was blinking wildly with messages, no doubt all from concerned, or even suspicious coven members. He thought a moment, them pushed the red button.

"Messages deleted," said the mechanical voice.

Daniel checked his pockets for his wallet and passport and grabbed a Saints cap from the coat rack near the door. Louis went upstairs and put his journals in a satchel along with his ID, credit cards, passport, checkbook and Claudia's rosary. Carrying that downstairs, picked up his keys from the mantel.

"Ready to run away?" Daniel asked, grinning.

"Let the adventure begin," Louis answered, impulsively kissing Daniel's lips.

Daniel's grin grew wider, and he returned the kiss.

The phone began to ring, and as Louis followed Daniel out the door, locking it behind them, he heard Marius's voice demanding his presence in Metairie immediately. They walked down to Canal Street and hailed a cab to the airport.


Three months later a postcard arrived at Marius's house. The front was a picture of two full wine glasses. On the back, in clumsy unfamiliar handwriting was this message:

Having a wonderful time!
People here are just delicious!
Thinking of you always!
The Drunken Xs

P.S. Sorry you missed the wedding, Vermont is beautiful at night!

Armand handed the card to Lestat, who examined the postmark. "Who do we know in Tahiti?"

"The Drunken Xs," Armand said thoughtfully, "you don't think . . ."

Lestat grew more serious, "could it be?"


They read the message again.

"No!" They laughed, and Armand dropped the postcard into the nearest trash basket as Sybelle began playing the Appassionata once again.


My image of Louis and Daniel at their Vermont Wedding Reception

French/ English Glossary German/English Glossary

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