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This Holiday Season - Part Three

This Holiday Season

Part Three

        In a large Victorian house, in a little town on the west coast, the telephone rang. "Mike Molloy."

        "Merry Christmas Dad!"

        "DAN?!" Mike Molloy propped his cane against the steps and sat in his easy chair. "Christ on a cross, son, you said you'd call three hours ago! You alright?"

        "Yeah, Dad, I'm sorry, something happened and I couldn't get the call through."

        "What happened?"

        "Oh, it was nothing . .just . .a . .thing . .you know."

        "You sick again, Dan?"

        "No, Dad, nothing like that. Hey, did the presents get to you okay?"

        "Oh yeah, they got here fine. Your brother is going to have a heart attack when he sees the title to that boat!"

        "Make sure Tricia's got the camera ready, okay?"

        "She will, Dan, she will."

        "Good, 'cause I wanna see that!" Daniel laughed.

        "I'll send 'em as soon as they're developed. You gotta see Jim, you won't recognize him."

        "Jim? Now what's he done?"

        "You sittin' down?"

        Daniel laughed.

        "Okay . . .he quit drinkin."

        "Oh my God!"

        "AND smokin'."

        "Are you sure it's Jim?"

        "Cut his hair, shaved off his beard and got RELIGION! He's a DEACON over at Saint Steve's!"

        "Oh, Dad," Daniel said sorrowfully. "How're you holdin' up?"

        "Not good, Dan, not good. It's a father's shame, I tell ya. Deacon Molloy . . .makes ya wanna puke, doesn't it?"

        "You got that right."

        "Those poor kids, they come over to Grandad's now just to get away from all the prayin'. Your sainted mother, God rest her soul, would turn over in her grave if she knew her own grandkids couldn't sneak a sip of beer in their own house!"

        "That's a shame. How's my little Goddaughter?"

        "Not little anymore, she's pregnant."

        "Excuse me?!"

        "Pregnant, Dan, you know, got one in the oven."

        "They let that BOY touch her?!!!"

        "Now, now Dan, she ain't your little princess no more, she's twenty-eight years old, and she's been married for five years."

        "THEY LET THAT BOY TOUCH HER???!!!!!"

        Mike laughed. "It happens, Danny, it happens. Guess what they're gonna name it if it's a boy."

        "A shot in the dark here, I'll say Michael."


        "No? Hmm, Patrick? After Grandad O'Connor?"

        "Uh uh. Daniel, after you. Danielle if it's a girl."

        Daniel's eyes filled with tears, his voice caught in his throat.

        "Dan? Dan, you there?"


        "Kinda chokes ya up, huh."


        "We miss ya, Spike, we really do."

        "I miss you guys too, Dad, believe me, I do."

       "I know, son, I know. Listen, I'm going to be up at Brian's over the New Year, they finally got that house built. I'll give you his number . . .if I can find it."

        "Don't worry about it Dad, just put your phone on call forwarding when you find it, and when I call you it'll ring there."

        "Dan, you know I don't mess with all that new fangled stuff."

        "Da-ad, it isn't 'new fangled' you've had it for four years!"

        "Well, I never used it. I don't know how."

        "All you have to do is read the instructions, Dad, you can learn how to use it, it's not that hard."

        "You listen to me, Daniel Sean, I am eighty-two years old and anything I haven't learned yet, I don't need, got me?"

        Daniel sighed, "Okay, Dad, okay, don't get all mad."

        "I'm not mad, I'm just tellin' ya."

        "You're gettin' yer Irish up, is what you're doing."

        "Since when do you back talk your father?" Mike asked in an overly shocked voice.

        "Since I'm too far away for you to catch me." Daniel laughed.

        "Oh boy, that pretty nurse you hired is here."

        "On Christmas Eve?"

        "Probably wants to see if I've been good or bad."

        "Probably needs the holiday pay."

        "Maybe, maybe, but I still get to flirt with her, so it's all the same to me."

        "You dog! Mom's gonna give you hell when you get to heaven."

        "Yep, that's why I gotta get while the gettin's good, Spike."

        "I better let you go then."

        "Call me again soon."

        "I will Dad."

        "I love you, Dan."

        "I love you too, Dad. Bye."

        "Good-bye now."

        Daniel replaced the telephone in it's cradle and let the tears course down his cheeks. The charade was so wearing, but he just couldn't let his mortal family go. He knew he would have to. He even tried a few times. He tried just sending money and presents, but having no communication. He tried blocking them out of his mind. But it only worked for a year or so. They were always there, in the back of his mind. He wondered how they were, what they were doing, if they needed anything. He knew they were worried. He hated himself for causing them pain. Louis had helped him to set up a plan to fake his own death, but he couldn't go through with it. He needed his family, and he didn't know how he could ever let them go.

        "Khayman!" Louis quickly extricated himself from Lestat and answered the door. "Please come in. I am so happy to see you!"

        Khayman entered, all smiles, returning the kisses Louis gave him in greeting. "Merry Christmas, Pretty One. I am happy to be here."

        Lestat picked himself up off of the floor and came to greet the eldest of the coven. "Joyeaux Noël, mon vieux."

        Khayman gave him kisses on each cheek as well. "Hello Brat."

        "Mon Dieu!" Louis exclaimed, "we haven't finished decorating yet!"

        "Oh Louis, don't panic." Lestat laughed. "I'll have it finished in minutes."

        "The surroundings are quite festive as it is." Khayman added, admiring the red ribbons and pine boughs wound around the long banister of the staircase.

        "Merci," Louis blushed.

        Lestat took the large leather bag Khayman was carrying and put it in Louis's hands. "Louis, you go and get Khayman settled in a room, I'll finish decorating."

        "Am I the first to arrive?" Khayman asked as they ascended the stairs.

        "Non, monsieur, you are not the first, Armand is here as well and the others are on their way."

        "Ah, very good, I am hoping for a 'family reunion' if you will."

        Louis nodded, "Oui, monsieur, we were hoping for the same when we issued the invitations."

        "And do you believe this will be accomplished?"

        "Well, we haven't heard from everyone, but with the unreliability of the mail system, we don't take that as a necessarily bad sign."

        "Why, then, may I ask, Pretty One, did the two of you choose to use such an archaic system?" He followed Louis into a lavishly decorated room, full of velvet and silk.

        "Will this be suitable?" Louis asked.

        "Perfectly." Khayman assured him.

        "It is the only proper way to issue invitations," Louis answered. "Beside that, we like to support the mail system. Lestat finds postal workers to be one of his best . . .sources of sustenance." Louis said uncomfortably. He always did hate discussing feeding habits. He placed Khayman's bag on the bed. "May I assist you in putting your things away?"

        Khayman smiled, "Ah, no, no, no, there are surprises in there for you, Pretty One."

        Louis gave a little embarrassed smile, "I see."

        "But what does Lestat enjoy the mail system workers? I don't understand."

        Louis sighed. "His newest fascination is with the insane. He likes to drink from them. He says it helps him to understand his Memnoch experience. And the postal workers are, well . . .postal, if you see what I mean."

        "I am familiar with the slang term. I see what you mean. I wonder if it will help me to understand that particular volume as well, along with the latest ones that David has transcribed."

        Louis thought it best not to comment on that. If you cannot say something complimentary, then you should not say anything at all. "Is there anything else I can do for you, monsieur?"

        "No, I believe I am well settled."

        "Tres bien. I will go down and see what sort of mischief Lestat is making. Please join us when you will." With a small bow Louis left the room.

        He heard more voices as he descended the steps. Lestat was at the door ushering in more guests with much boisterous affection. Louis reached the landing just in time to see Lestat sweep Jesse up into a deep, extended, passionate, tonsil-tickling kiss. He smiled indulgently and made his way to the new guests. He bowed respectfully to Maharet, "Great Mother, we are honored to have you."

        Maharet smiled and kissed him. "We are happy to be here, Louis."

        Louis turned to Mekare, who pinched his cheeks before he could say anything. He grinned and bowed to her, "We are blessed by the presence of the Queen of the Coven, Madame Mekare."

        Louis then exchanged kisses with his brother. "David, I have missed you!"

        "Louis, I have missed you as well, my dear boy!" David answered excitedly. "Did you see the latest finding on the Shakespeare/Bacon fiasco?"

        "I did! I saw it on BookTV, but I haven't read the complete thesis yet."

        "It is quite fascinating. It seems that-"

        "Enough, enough, enough!" Lestat interrupted them "I haven't even gotten a kiss form my youngest fledgling and already you two are engrossed in your little bookworm discussions." Lestat kissed David.

        "Hey, you! Don't I get a kiss too?" Jesse teased Louis.

        "But of course, Ma Chere," Louis complied, with a smile. He stood back then and addressed the new guests. "May I show you to your rooms?"

        Their answer was drowned out by a loud, clear tenor voice belting out "Everything's coming up ROSES for you and for MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

        "ERIC!" Jesse squealed with delight. Not being a squealer by nature, this somewhat startled the rest of the crowd. They parted to allow Eric and Santino to enter. Jesse enveloped Eric in a bear hug.

        "Tino! May the Love of Christ keep you warm this holiday season!" Lestat kissed the black clad former priest of Satan.

        "Lestat!" Louis scolded him.

        Santino merely rolled his eyes. He went to kiss Maharet. "Eric contacted your bodyslave, has he not arrived?"

        "He isn't my bodyslave, Santino, and no he hasn't yet arrived." Maharet answered icily. She then turned to Eric and held out her arms. Eric left Jesse with a kiss and happily accepted Maharet's embrace. "My child," she murmured, "my Eric."

        Santino glared at this possessive display, recognizing that Maharet was using her sincere affection for Eric as an act of retaliation towards him for his insult of Mael.

        Just then Khayman entered the room, "Mekare! Maharet! My Little Jessica!" He joined the crowd hugging and kissing and greeting each one by name.

        Armand chose this moment to make his appearance. "Bonsoir, everyone, " he said quietly, smiling a bit.

        "Armand," David embraced him warmly. "It is good to see you."

        "Likewise, David." Armand kissed his cheek, then turned to the vampire next to him. "Santino, perhaps we can play a few games of chess later."

        Santino nodded, "I would enjoy that."

        Armand greeted the others, then turned to Louis and kissed his cheek, whispering an apology for his earlier behavior. Louis returned the kiss.

        "Think nothing of it, Armand. It is forgotten."

        Armand turned again to the room. "Well now, if everyone has arrived, we can all go down to watch the bonfires."

        "The bonfires?" Khayman asked.

        "Oui, " Louis answered. "The bonfires on the levee. You have never seen them?"

        "No, I cannot say that I have. Why do they set fire to the levee?"

        "Oh non, they don't do that. They build large structures: towers, houses, statues and such, and they set fire to those. It is an old Cajun custom. It lights the way for Papa Noël, as he floats down the Mississippi on his pirogue pulled by eight alligators."

        "I thought it was 'eight tiny reindeer'?" Eric said, confused.

        "Non, that is Santa Claus," Lestat answered him.

        "I see," Eric said, not seeing at all.

        "It is very beautiful, I'd hate for you all to miss it," Louis said.

        Khayman smiled, knowing this pretty one's predilection for the beauty of fire.

        Lestat noted the thickening darkness and checked his watch. No doubt but that the fires would be lit any minute. "Ladies and Gentleman!" Lestat raised his voice to get their attention, it had the desired effect. "Thank you all for coming. I have no doubt that the rest of our venerable family is on it's way. Right now, however, as Armand has reminded me, an old and cherished Christmas Tradition is about to take place on the riverbank and I will not allow Mon Louis to miss it, so whether he thinks it is polite or not, we are leaving now to watch. So we invite you to join us, or make yourselves comfortable and await our return." At that, Lestat swept Louis up and flew out of the house and along the river road, where the first match was about to be dropped on the first sculpture and the bonfires began.

        Louis and Lestat dropped to the earth just beyond the bank and appeared within the crowd with vampiric grace. Lestat maneuvered Louis and himself to the very front of the mob where they stood, Louis leaning back against Lestat's strong chest, Lestat's arms encircling him, and watched an age old rite of Christmas. Logs crackled and fell within the structures sending up great geysers of sparks and flame. The river lapped at the banks. The children craned their necks to see as far as possible down the river, so that they would not miss the first glimpse of Papa Noel. Louis looked up to see les feux de joie reflected in his makers' eyes, and sighed with contentment.

        All of their guests had followed eagerly and were finding their own places along the Mississippi. Armand was debating whether to give up his futile effort at seeing over mortals whose height made them a damned nuisance, and simply taking to the sky, when he bumped rather hard into another body.

        "Excuse moi," he began looking up. "MARIUS!"

        "Amadeo, how I've missed you." Marius held his fledgling to him tightly and kissed his russet curls. "My Amadeo."

        "And I've missed you as well. Have you just arrived?"


        " . . . are you . . .traveling alone?"


        "Is he here?"

        "Yes, he is," said a hard voice.

        Armand whirled around to confirm the owner of the voice. Daniel took a long drag on the cigarette which he held between his lips and said nothing.

        "Daniel." Armand acknowledged him stiffly.

        "Mandy." Daniel answered, blowing a cloud of smoke into the name.

        Armand's eyes narrowed at the hated nickname. "Don't."

        Daniel took the cigarette from his mouth, looked at the glowing tip, then contemptuously flicked it at Armand, turned, and walked away.

        Armand angrily brushed the glowing ashes from his sweater and started to follow Daniel, but Marius caught his arm.

        "No, Amadeo. Not here, not now. Let him be."

        "I will not suffer insults from that insolent whelp!" Armand tried to break Marius's hold.

        Marius simply brought him into a bear hug. "Calm down, Amadeo. Hush, don't make a scene!"

        "A scene! I -"

        Marius silenced him with a kiss.

        Armand did yield to it, but only for a moment. "Please, Maestro, I must speak to him."

        Marius sighed, nodded and released Armand. He watched as his child walked sadly down the riverbank, in search of his own child.

        "Terrible, isn't it?" Mael asked.

        Marius smiled at the tall blond vampire. "Mael, good to see you. Yes, it is terrible, but that is the way of love I suppose."

        "Love?" Mael asked.

        "Yes, they do love one another you know."


        "Amadeo and Daniel, who do you think?"

        "What about them?"

        "I was just agreeing with you that it is terrible, what has happened to them." Marius said in a frustrated tone.

        "I wasn't talking about them! The TREES!" Mael waved his arm at the burning piles of wood.

        "Oh, God," Marius sighed.

        Mael shook his head at Marius's obvious stupidity and scanned the crowd. Finding both Eric and Maharet in close proximity, he joined them.

Part Four

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