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by DarkAngel

Mardi Gras 1999

Dedicated to the members of SOUL,
especially Serenity , Priestess of Louisian Redemption, who asked.

Disclaimer: This work of speculative fiction not meant to infringe upon the rights of SOME CRAZY BITCH WHO SUES HER FANS, or Knopf, or Warner or any of that ilk.


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Sonoma Compound
Night after Akasha's Death
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Marius entered the room they had all gathered in for the past two nights. He wanted to retrieve the body of his Queen. His responsibility for so long, he felt it only proper that he dispose of the remains.

But walking to where Akasha had lain, he found not the glass-like husk which Enkil had become, the state he had last seen her in, just minutes after the decapitation. Instead he found tiny, in fact, minuscule crystals, covering the floor, table, chairs and everywhere else the wind through the broken window had blown, like a glittering shroud.

"My God," Marius said, bending to touch the crystals on the floor. He rubbed them between his fingers. They felt like ashes and he could not discern a single crystal, as they were too small. "What happened to you my Queen?"


Marius looked up to see Khayman, standing outside the window.



"Do you mean he-"



"With his bare hands. Over and over, again and again, until there was no mass left to destroy. Until she was nothing."

"You saw him?"

"I watched him do it, yes."

"And you didn't want to stop him?"

"I believe that would have involved overcoming him."


"And I felt safer out here." Khayman said with a grin.

"But, she was already destroyed. She was no danger. She could do him no harm." Marius stared at the dust on his fingers. "Why?"


"For Lestat."

"Of course."

Marius looks around. "As if she never existed. Lestat would not have wanted it this way."

"Often those who are wronged do not want revenge. It does not mean that they do not still deserve it."

"I think this will pain him, this . . .desecration. He will resent Louis for doing this."

"Lestat will never know." Khayman said stated unequivocally.

Marius met his eyes. He brushed the fine powder from his fingertips. "Know what?" He smiled to Khayman. "And where is our avenging angel now?"

"Bothering Jesse about her little ghost story again." Khayman stepped through the window.

"He thinks she can come up with some answers for him." Marius said, walking toward the doorway.

"She has told him over and again that it was not real."

"For her sake, I hope that satisfies him."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I'd hate to have him lose his temper with her."

Khayman looked at him as if he were crazy. "Temper? Louis?"

And they both chuckled, as they closed off the room and went to join the others.


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