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Crossing Over
by DarkAngel
28 aout 2000

DISCLAIMER: Louis, Paul, Madeleine, Claudia, Lestat, Louis's family and Armand all were created by Anne Rice. John Edward is a real person, no infringement upon their rights is meant. No profit will be made from this work of speculative fiction.


Author's Note: "Crossing Over with John Edward" is a television program shown on the Sci-Fi channel in the USA. The premise of the show is that John Edward can contact the dead, and they use him to communicate with the living. If you haven't seen the show, let me assure you that I have faithfully tried to recreate the speaking style of John Edward. He often pauses, as if listening to those who have crossed over. The person he is doing the reading for is encouraged to say only yes or no, unless he asks them something specific. Also, when he says "above you" that means a parent/uncle/aunt or someone you think of that way. "beside you" means spouse/sibling/friend, "below you" means child/niece/nephew or someone with that relationship to you. Those who have crossed over communicate with John by showing him images that he can understand, that is why modern images such as television shows and such are used. I am totally addicted to this show!

Dedicated to my Darling co-addict, FoL and our supplier, Suzanne "The First One's Free" G.

Instead of the events in MERRICK, I think Louis should just go and have a reading with John Edward!

JE = John Edward
L = Louis de Pointe du Lac



JE: Okay I get a female, under you, a daughter or like a daughter . . .but she's grown up, she's an adult.

L: *eyes sparkle* Yes.

JE: You have a daughter that crossed over?

L: *nods, smiling* Yes.

JE: I'm getting and M name, Mary Anne? Maddie?

L: *surprised* Madeleine?

JE: Yes, she's acknowledging yes. She says thank you. She wants to thank you for being her father? Does that make sense to you? Like maybe you didn't pay very much attention to her, or she didn't to you, when she was here?

L: *looks a little ashamed* Yes.

JE: Okay, she just wants to let you know that she appreciates what you did. No regrets, she says, no regrets. Okay she's bringing someone else through and WHOA! That is a Powerhouse, a VERY STRONG presence it's like "Okay, I'M HERE!" . . . Wow . . . It's also a female under you, a daughter, do you have another daughter who crossed over?

L: *smiling again, very excited* Yes!

JE: A little girl? A little girl but with a long life, does that make sense to you?

L: *nods vigorously* Yes!

JE: Okay, she is showing me a lot of things all at once. SHE is the one you wanted to hear from. I am getting that from her, she's showing me like she's the star of the show. She's showing me, it looks like Mardi Gras, you know those Mardi Gras parades they have in New Orleans, do you have a connection to Mardi Gras or New Orleans?

L: Yes, that's where I live.

JE: And she lived there too.

L: Yes.

JE: You live in the same house. . . Has it been a long time since she passed?

L: Yes, several years.

JE: Yeah? Okay, cause she is like she can't believe that you still live in the same house after such a long time she's like showing me centuries here, but you are too young for that so I wasn't sure exactly what she's saying here . . .she's laughing at me now, about your age, there is like a joke about your age? You're older than you look? She's showing me someone getting carded in a bar.

L: *blushes* Um, yes.

JE: Okay, she is really strong, I see that her bond with you was very strong, is that true?

L: Definitely.

JE: Okay, I am getting a C name . . .CLAUDIA, she's giving me the whole name spelled right out - Claudia.

L: *tearing up, dabs his eyes with a handkerchief* Yes, that is her name.

JE: Okay, and she . . .was she a real . . . excuse me for saying this, but, was she bossy, when she was here?

L:*laughing* Yes, very much so.

JE: Okay, cause she's kind of bossing me around here. I gotta tell ya, and she is just like giving me orders here, just like "TELL HIM THIS!" ya know!

L: *still chuckling* Yes, that would be her.

JE: Okay, she's getting mad 'cause I'm talking, and I'm supposed to be talking for her! She really has a temper!

L: *smiling* Yes

JE: They were together when they passed?

L: Yes, they were.

JE: Okay, they're still together now. They passed of something like . . .something was done to them? Someone else caused their passing?

L: Yes.

JE: And you know who that was, she's showing me the Eiffel Tower, does that make sense?

L: Yes, it happened in Paris.

JE: And you know who caused their passing. It is an A name she is showing me a big red A, very close to you.

L: *shifts uncomfortably in his seat* UH, yes, I understand that.

JE: She got her revenge on him, she says, she is showing me like a boot, she kicked him out of somewhere. He tried to get in where she is and she kicked him back out, does that make sense to you?

L: *eyes widen* Ah, yes, yes it does.

JE: She says get away from him. She is putting distance between you and him. GET AWAY, that is very strong.

L: I understand.

JE: Dolls. She had several dolls. This includes the first daughter too. They are connected with dolls, you understand this?

L: Yes, Madeleine was a doll maker. She made dolls for Claudia.

JE: Yeah, but something else too. Something related to you. You bought her a doll, maybe?

L: I called her Doll. That was what I called her. *his hand goes to her locket, it is on a chain uner his shirt*

JE: Yes. She acknowledges that, but there is also . . . does she have blond hair?

L: Yes!

JE: And you used to brush her hair. She shows me a hairbrush, like a heavy silver hairbrush, an antique.

L: Yes, I did.

JE: Okay, and the doll. You have a doll. With her hair, she says.

L: *unsure* No, not that I can think of.

JE: Yes you do, she says, yes you do. Upstairs in her bedroom, she says.

L: *wrinkles his brow, slowly shakes his head* I don't think so, the room has been remodeled and nothing like that was found.

JE: Yes, it's there, believe me she says it's there. I don't know what to say, but I'm tellin' ya, she says it's there, and I would believe her if I were you! *laughs* . . .okay, she says she's glad you scattered the ashes. Was she cremated? Or she died in a fire?

L: *his voice sounds thick, he wipes tears away again* Oui, yes.

JE: Okay, who is Lester? Leslie? An L name? L-E-S.

L: *smiles with delight* Lestat!

JE: Lestat, yes. She wants to acknowledge him and he, was he her father, or no, you're her father, he was perhaps a stepfather, a father figure?

L: *smiles* Yes, something like that.

JE: Now she's showing him above you, your father?

L: *nods slowly* Well, yes, I could see what she means.

JE: Is he a big show off?

L: *laughs* Yes.

JE: *laughs too* Cause she's showing me like a big bright spotlight, like he always has to be the center of attention

L: Always! *very big smile*

JE: She had problems with him that were unresolved when she passed?

L: *bites his lip* Yes.

JE: She shows me blood, she . .oh God, was . . . excuse me for saying this, but, were they maybe like witnesses to a murder or something?

L: *uncomfortable* Um, I know what that is, yes.

JE: Okay, and she . . .no, she's dropping that, she doesn't want to go into that, now she's showing me pink roses, but for Lestat, she wants to acknowledge her love for him. She wants this to be resolved between the two of them she wants you to pass that on to him.

L: *tears in his eyes* Oui, yes. *a quiet sob*

JE: She wants the two of you to be together. She feels that she somehow separated the two of you, or she is an issue between the two of you now, a recurring thing maybe?

L: *dabbing at his eyes* Yes.

JE: And she doesn't like that. She . . .that really makes her mad.

L: *laughs* Alright.

JE: And I'll tell you right now, if I were you I wouldn't want to make her mad! *laughs*

L: *laughs harder* Non.

JE: Is there a story about tap dancing? Somebody was tap dancing under like an old fashioned streetlight, at night, in the rain.

L: *smiles, remembering* Lestat did that.

JE: She says she wants the two of you to be like you were then. That is a very positive image coming from her. Like she wants the two of you now to recapture the feeling of whatever was going on then. Do you understand that?

L: *nods, smiling* Yes, yes, I do.

JE: You feel guilty about her, or something she did or you did or something you do? Is it like something you eat?

L: Uh . . .*very uncomfortable, runs his fingers through his hair*

JE: Cause she's showing me like teeth, biting something. Do you have an eating disorder? I'm sorry, I don't mean to be personal, this is just what she is showing me. I'm just letting it come through. But whatever it is, she wants you to not feel bad about it, or about yourself and to eat. She wants you to eat. She's very concerned, she's showing me like a Jewish mother or something, you know "Eat, eat, have some more". And no guilt. Whatever it is that you feel guilty about don't.

L: *folds his arms over his chest, speaks very quietly* Alright.

JE: She wants, also, is there somebody who is like living in a church? Or like sleeping in a church?

L: *perks up* Yes, yes!

JE: Wake him up. Take him home, she says. Do you understand?

L: *smiles* Yes.

JE: She is showing me like a mother. Has her mother passed over, Claudia's mother? Or your mother?

L: Yes, both.

JE: Okay which one passed of a disease, like an epidemic? She's showing me like a plague.

L: That was her mother.

JE: Okay, she is there with her too. And her father, jeez, how many fathers does this kid have? *laughs* Anyway, it is a father figure, maybe your father, or hers?

L: *shrugs* It could be either.

JE: Both have passed over?

L: Yes.

JE: Okay, which one spoke French?

L: Well, both. *laughs a little*

JE: *laughs* Okay, uh, he's giving me a boat, like you sailed with him. A long voyage. Very uncomfortable. Like one of those old pirate ships or something.

L: *gasp* It's my father!

JE: Okay, and was he a very cheerful, guy, very affectionate, hugging and kissing, laughing a lot, kinda like Santa Claus?

L: *Laughs* Yes, yes.

JE: He says he can still pick you up?

L: *laughs harder*

JE: Is there a story about a snake? A snake and sugar cane fields?

L: Oh, yes, yes, I was out in the field with him once, and he saw a snake behind me and he picked me up and moved me then he took my gun and shot's head off.

JE: What was the thing about being too big to pick up, or something?

L: *smiling* Oh, I was 14, and almost as tall as him. It was just something we found funny later that he could pick me up and move me so quickly and so easily.

JE: Yes, that's it. He's like nodding and laughing. And he's giving me a big house, with trees, these huge, huge trees in the front yard, like all in a row.

L: OUI! That was our house!

JE: Who died at that house?

L: He did.

JE: No, no someone else. Who fell down the steps?

L: *gasp* Paul!

JE: Younger male, like a son, brother, nephew?

L: *a small sob* Mon petit frere, Paul.

JE: He was very religious. He has like a lot of religious statues and rosaries and imagery around him, does that make sense to you?

L: *wipes eyes with handkerchief* Yes, he was going to enter the priesthood.

JE: Okay, he is teasing you with me, like you're a bad boy for coming to a psychic. He is shaking his finger at you.

L: *laughs*

JE: His fall, was an accident, he says, like it wasn't suicide or a murder. Did someone think it was a murder? Cause he wants to like clarify this. It wasn't a murder, he is giving me that no one is responsible for it.

L: *nods, whispers* Oui.

JE: He is very upset, someone was like under investigation? He is showing me a police interrogation, like NYPD Blue or something?

L: *tears fall, he wipes them away* Oui.

JE: They didn't do it. That made him very angry that it was all going on. He was laid out at home? He is showing me like a coffin right smack in the middle of a living room.

L: Yes, that . . .was a family custom.

JE: You sat up with him. He was with you. You stayed with the body.

L: Yes.

JE: He has an almost father/son vibe with you, were you like a second father to him?

L: Yes, our father died when he was just five.

JE: He didn't like you carousing, he is showing me Bourbon Street. You were drinking too much, after he died?

L: *blushes* Um, yes.

JE: He wants you to know he didn't like that.

L: *laughs* Alright, Paul.

JE: Okay, I have two females, one above you, one beside you, a mother and a sister or aunt and cousin or friend?

L: My mother and my sister have passed on.

JE: Okay, they just want to acknowledge that they are here and they are with you. And they're all together. Your daughters, they didn't know the grandparents, correct?

L: No, no, they had already died.

JE: They want you to know that they are all together now. And your mother and your sister, they also knew Lestat? And they didn't like him, when they were here.

L: *rolls his eyes* Yes.

JE: Okay, you're mother still doesn't like him. . .but your father does. But he never met him before he passed, correct?

L: *looks puzzled* Yes, I mean no, he didn't.

JE: Okay, cause he is giving me like they haven't met but he likes him. So they just want you to know that, and now they're fading back. . . .And now Claudia wants to say again, that she is with you. She wants you to know that she is with both you and Lestat all the time, she hovers around you sort of. She's watching you. So you'd better do what she says. *laughs*

L: *laughs* Yes, Doll.

JE: Okay, and I think she just wanted to have the last word, because she is fading away from me too now. That's all.

L: *smiling broadly, stands and shakes JE's hand* Merci, Monsieur Edward, merci beaucoup!


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