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Character: Ghostbuster, based on Ray Stantz, King of the Trap!
Show: Ghostbusters 1 and 2
Appearances: Novacon '98 (it's a Star Trek convention we Knobs used to attend...don't ask) and Halloween '99 (as seen on Adrienne and Libby at the BRHS coffeehouse ^_~)

Comments: These costumes were so fun! Me, Melissa, Adrienne, and Leah were on a huge Ghostbusters kick around summer of '98 and decided to go as female versions of them to Novacon that year ^_^ The costumes were made from my Uncle Ronnie's old Exxon uniforms. I removed the Exxon tags and red stripes down each arm and leg, and crafted the Ghostbusters symbols and tags with each of our real last names out of felt. The weapons were even more fun. The night before the con, we hung some old water guns upside down off my swingset in the backyard and spraypainted them as the sun went down ^_^ Hence our "proton packs"...Leah carried that. I wanted the trap. Because I love Ray! King of the Trap! The trap was constructed from a shoebox, some odds and ends from around the house (part of a tape case, some old walkman headphones, etc) which were all glued on and painted. Then I added the details ^_^ Melissa's weapon was a tissue box we painted, and was based off Kylie Griffon's weapon on Extreme Ghostbusters. Adrienne got to wear a tool belt and carry a feather boa ^_~ We're weird.

Note: We performed a skit in the Novacon cosplay contest in these costumes. At Novacon, we used to always perform skits whenever we dressed up. It's harder at anime cons, I've found, to just do something stupid and goofy like we used to at these cons. Anyway, we performed a sketch in which we did a "commercial" as the Ghostbusters, putting the lines from their first commercial in the first movie and some lines from a commercial in the second movie together. The only reason we used lines from the second movie is because we wanted to add in the Ghostbusters beverage mug and free balloon for the kids offer ^_~ We actually made a Ghostbusters beverage mug for the skit...*ahem* Anyway, we didn't win that time...because the judges were really leaning towards craftsmanship and didn't find anything spectacular about us...but our skit got the best fan reaction ^_^ Because Adrienne got slimed. When we didn't win for "best non-Star Trek sketch" the audience actually booed and we got a few comments afterwards "you guys should've won"...[shrug] Oh, well...we had fun ^_^
