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Hidaka Ken

Ken used to have it all. He had a girlfriend, a best friend on his J-League soccer team, and, well...he was a famous up-and-coming J-League goalie. But then everything went all to hell when he became woozy on the field during a game, and after he almost passed out, he was accused of having done drugs during the game.

Ken tried to get to the bottom of what had happened. Who had screwed him over? Well, as he sought out the answers, his best friend, Kase, ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time and was kidnapped from the building Ken had ended up at...just as Ken was knocked out (my poor baby! That's killing braincells!) and the building was set on fire.

Back in happy-land, Ken's *woman* thought that he was dead. But that's OK...he found a much cooler woman later. And I'm not even jealous! I liked her! But she went off to Australia without him. All she took was a Gentian. AW!

Anyway, Ken joined up with Weiss because his J-League career was over and, dammit, WHO screwed him over?!

This was answered in episode 4. Kase, Ken's presumably-dead best friend, was alive, after all. And working for the people who planned Ken's ultimate demise. But Ken, being the trustworthy and naive sort that he is, kept insisting that "Kase isn't LIKE them!" and gave information to his old friend, anyway. Ken killed the leader of the group who kidnapped Kase and set the building on fire that fateful day...but Kase had wanted him to. That made Kase the leader...and he, once again, tried to kill Ken. Because it had been he who drugged the drink that ruined Ken's career. But Ken was supposed to be dead. So Kase used him and then tried to kill him one last time. To no the end, Ken had to kill his best friend. The friend he had believed in. The episode ended with Ken's comment to Kase's remark, "I'll see you in hell."

Ken: This *is* hell.

*sniff* made me cry.

Ken, wearing an ugly shirt.  With an inopportune Youji in the background

Nowadays, Ken works with Fujimiya Aya, Kudo Youji, and Tsukiyono Omi on the assassin team Weiss. Well, he also works with them at "Koneko no Sumu le"...a flower his spare time. Which I can imagine he doesn't have much of.

Ken Info:

Name: Hidaka Ken
Seiyuu: Seki Tomokazu (what a sexy mofo!)
Code Name: Siberian
Height: 175 cm (*calculates* About 5 ft. 6?)
Blood Type: B
Birthday: December 23
Age: 19
Weapon: Bearclaw (Bugnuk)
Image Flower: Gentian
Hobby: Soccer, being a dumbass
Likes: Soccer and children
Dislikes: Liars, friends who want to see him in Hell.
Born In: Niigata
Something Ken SHOULD do: Eat a high fiber breakfast that's low in sodium.

Ken's time is spent at the flower shop job, doing jobs for Persia, the leader of Weiss, and finding time for his hobby, soccer. He also likes to play with the neighborhood children. He would make a good soccer coach, I think ^.^* He actually does a little bit of teaching the game to kids (who call him "Ken-niichan"...TOO CUTE!)

Ken (as well as the other Weiss boys) has to fend off the female groupies they have developed from being four (VERY!) attractive, single men who work at a flower shop. This provides some comic relief during the show, actually. And, sadly, the rest of the Knobs and I would BE three of those annoying flower shop groupies... Who could resist this face?!

In the Weiss OAV "Verbrechen ~ Strafe", Ken goes against a mission from Persia and defends their current target, Akira. He and Omi go off with Akira and his little sister and then become the new targets of Aya and Youji. Ken believed in his heart that Akira was a good guy who was just like the Weiss boys. He kept saying "we're the same!" But then Akira was killed and Ken reflected that every friend he believes in always has to go away. Poor Ken ;___;

Now, in the Weiss Drama Album "Dramatic Precious", (or "Traumatic Precious", as I like to say), Ken goes a little...nuts. The fact that he's just a killer finally gets to him and makes him pop like a frog on a hotplate. He starts giggling madly and getting a little too much enjoyment out of ripping his victims to shreds. In fact, he starts to become a little too much like Farfarello, if you ask me. We also find out that Ken was raised in a mission. So he has a religious background like Farfie.

Ken meets a girl named Reiko who admits to being a "villain" but, once again, Ken thinks this girl is just like him and they get it on. Later, it turns out she's their target and he has to kill her. I think this only makes him crazier. Absolutely everyone he ever believes in ends up dead. Or deeply resentful.

So goes the life of Ken. I can't wait to see what happens to him in the new series, Gluhen! ^_^