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Dirty Pair Flash

Tape Information...

There are seven tapes in the Dirty Pair Flash series released by ADV. All the tapes are an hour long. There are three missions, two acts in each mission except for the first which has three. Retail price for each act is $19.95 (dubbed) and $24.95 (subbed).

The Story...

Meet Kei...this short haired brute thrives on action, her motto: "Never blow up tomorrow what you can blow up today". She is the berserk one in the team. Meet Yuri...long haired, big on crying, not so big on the idea of being Kei's partner, her motto: "I want a new partner". Together these misfits make up the team titled the Lovely Angels.

Kei and Yuri are trouble consultants for an organization called the 3WA. Trouble Consultants!? these girls seem to cause and to get into more trouble than they do anything else.

These two have gotten themselves into a case deeper than what they'd ever starts with a mysterious gold card that Yuri received from the hands of a dieing man. From the instant that Yuri had her hands on that card, they've ended up in nothing but trouble. A thick plot unfolds as a corporate executive makes his nefarious plans; he sics a mysterious assasin who goes by the name Lady Flair. A rival is started between Kei and the assasin which only leads to more trouble. Go figure. Its all out trouble as Kei and Yuri find out how to work as a team.


It's funny, there is a story behind it all, and the animation is what else should I do than give it two flaming wings up. I like it and it's worth it to rent it or heck even buy it. The character personalities are humerous...they are complete opposites and they're constant arguing makes for great fun.

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