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Adopt A Duck!

Welcome to the Puddleduck Adoption Center! We have several orphans ready for you to take home today, and new ducklings hatched daily!

Please take a few minutes to meet Lilac, Baron, Goldie, Jade, Butler, and Felicity - they were abandoned on the outskirts of the pond, but have taken up residence here and become very good friends. They do need a more permanent home, though - if you feel that you would be a good parent to these ducks, feel free to take one or two home with you. Don't forget their birth certificates, or I'll assume they were duck-napped! And please link their birth certificates back to this page so that the other ducks will find homes, too.

Adopted by Mrs. Jones' Duckies! 10/3/99

Hey! How about emailing me and letting me know where your new duck will be living!

New Ducklings!

New ducklings are hatched daily here at the Puddleduck Adoption Agency. We have babies in lots of colors and all of them need good homes! If you would like a newborn of your very own, please fill out the form below to let us know what kind of duckling you would like. Your new friend will arrive in your Inbox within three days. Please note: I will not expose any new ducklings to X-rated sites. If you do not include a URL where he/she will be living so that I can check it out, your duckling will be sent to a better home...

Get your ducklings here!

Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.:

What color(s) duckling would you like?
Would you like a girl or a boy?   Girl   Boy
What will your duckling's name be?
URL where your duckling will live:
Anything else?

FREE feedback form powered by FreeForm
