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Who Is Puddleduck?

Here's a very young Puddleduck!

Okay, okay - here's a slightly older Puddleduck!
For those who don't know me, my name is Kristin. I live
in a tiny little town in southern Virginia...

Click here for local news!

Click for Martinsville, Virginia Forecast

This is where I work...

Okay, I admit it!, I am a full-fledged Netaholic!
I also play the saxophone (rarely, but I do still play) and lately
I've become somewhat of a wrestling addict - WWF only, though!

I've recently spent every waking moment rebuilding this website
from the jumbled mess that it had become. I hope all of you
who have been here before enjoy the changes, and that those of
you who haven't enjoy your stay. Want to link to my page?
Just swipe the banner.(Leave yours in my guestbook if you do;
I'll eventually put up another links page for banners!)

Well, that's about it for now. I hope you'll prowl around and see what you can
come up with - there's a little bit of everything floating around out there in
the Pond. Watch out for the ducklings! - they like to get underfoot.

~Love, Kristin~