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Are you worthy of the Puddleduck Awards?

Here are the requirements for winning for my awards...

  1. The page you submit must have a good overall design - graphics, good use of animations and frames, etc. Oh, and no pages that are all links, please - try to have some content . All links and images should be in working order.
  2. NO pornographic sites, nudity, violence, or any hint of harm toward children or animals! This page should be friendly to all audiences. In other words, if you wouldn't show it to a 5-year-old or your mother, don't bother.
  3. The page shouldn't take forever to load, and if there's music, I should be able to turn it off.
  4. It should be at least mildly entertaining - make me laugh out loud and you're a sure winner! Basically, if I like your page, you'll win.
  5. You MUST sign my guestbook! If you haven't already, go back to my home page when you finish here and do it!

Due to the many and varied websites that I've been visiting to consider for awards, I've finally determined that the two tried-and-true classics, the Cool Site Award and the Excellence Award, just aren't enough! So if you have a great and original site, you will win a great and original award. Check out the link below for previous winners, then submit your site! (If your browser is form-impaired, please email me at with the information below. Please put "PD Award" in the subject line!) I'm looking forward to visiting your site!!

Visit Award Winners Here!

Tell me about your site...

Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.:

URL of your page?
Why do you think your page should be selected a winner?
Would you like to receive an explanation if you do not win?   Yes   No

Is this submission for the Too Cute Award?   Yes, it's a Kid's Site!   No!

Comments? Questions?

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All winners will be added to my Winners Site !
