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If you are going to see the Blair Witch Movie....DONT!! IT IS STUPID. Click here for more info.

As of 8/11/99, there are new photos up. They are of the trip that my brothers, and my fater took. We went to N. Carolina and did some hiking and rock climbing. It's page 11 under my picture page.

On August 18th, a few friends and I went to Virginia Beach, VA and did some sight seeing in DC as well.

Here is a little update as to what I have been up to lately. NOTHING. Basically it has been work and socializing with friends. I did get my Labtop and a mountain bike. My labtop is a Dell Inspiron 7000. Its a 400 Mhz pentium with 64 megs of ram, and a 10gig hard drive. I have Office 2000, Windows 98, Photoshope 5, Visual Studio, and Front page loaded on it. My Mt. Bike is a Giant ?? with aluminum body, 21 speed, quick release tires and seat, and front shocks. FUN!

The first two weekends of October have been spent in Edinboro. That was a very fun time. Edinboro's homecoming was the weekend of the 9th.

Aaron and Erin announce their wedding date. It's going to be in August of 2000. Congrats guys!

Well lets see......

NEW: Simpsons page Spring Break locations page Ally McBeal - Carlista Flockhart Dharma - Jenna Elfman
NEW: HTML help page iMac page Computer Inventors Network Speeds
UPDATED: Exotic car page Quotes/sayings/jokes/insults page Add Url Nicki Shrine