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As women's clothing is much more a free-style than men's, it is impossible to list true quotes of what could be made, as it would be a book of its own. I have tried to quote basic items only. If you wish something that is not listed, please contact me.

W#2 15th - 18th Century Bodice, lace up. State era.

Measurements: W; Q; R; S, Bust; Underbust; Hips; From top collar button down to bust, to underbust to waist, and to hips (total of four measurements)

W#3 15th - 18th Century Bodice, half boned, lace up. State era.

Measurements: W; Q; R; S, Bust; Underbust; Hips; From top collar button down to bust, to underbust to waist, and to hips (total of four measurements)

W#4 15th - 19th Century Corset. State era.

Measurements: W; Q; R; S, Bust; Underbust; Hips; From top collar button down to bust, to underbust to waist, and to hips (total of four measurements)

W#5 Petticoat skirt, sash waist. State color.

Measurements: W, O

W#6 Petticoat skirt, drawstring waist. State color.

Measurements: W, O

W#7 9th - 13th Century dress, with long, flowing or pendent sleeves.

Measurements: N, C, W, F, B, O, Q, R, S, Underbust

W#8 1700 - 1790 Mantua, of taffeta.

Measurements: N, W; Q; R; S, Bust; Underbust; Hips; From top collar button down to bust, to underbust to waist, and to floor (total of four measurements)

W#9 1710 - 1790 Wateaux pleated dress, of taffeta.

Measurements: N, W; Q; R; S, Bust; Underbust; Hips; From top collar button down to bust, to underbust to waist, and to floor (total of four measurements)

W#10 Ante-bellum gall gown, of taffeta.

Measurements: N, W; Q; R; S, Bust; Underbust; Hips; From top collar button down to bust, to underbust to waist, and to floor (total of four measurements)

W#11 1850 - 1870 woman's drawers/pantaloons.

Measurements: W, I, O, J, P

W#12 1730 - 1790 Riding Coat. Semi-military style of wool.

Measurements: N, C, W, Q, R, S, F, Fa, Fb, B, Ba, Bb, Bc, Bd, Underbust;

W#20 Sleeved Bodice

Measurements: N; Q; R; S, Bust; Underbust; Hips; From top collar button down to bust, to underbust to waist, and to hips (total of four measurements); Underarm down to waist and hips (2 measurements).

W#21 Mid 19th century working dress, of calico. State base color.

Measurements: N, C, W, O, Q, R, S, Wr

W#22 Mid 19th century day suit of plain colored cotton made of bodice and skirt with chemise below. The bodice is lined.

Measurements: N, W; Q; R; S, O; Bust; Underbust; From top collar button down to bust, to underbust to waist, (total of three measurements); Underarm to waist.

W#23 Mid 1500's to Late 1700's - Pair of Jumps - worn by women of the upper class as bed chamber stays. These are a combination of a short weskit or long stays without any boning. In America, on the frontier, and in Europe's lower class working people, these evolved into day wear being less than half the price of stays, even though its multi-laced.

Measurements: N, W; Q; R; Bust; Underbust; Hips; From top collar button down to bust, to underbust to waist, and to hips (total of four measurements), From underarm down side to waist.

Of wool $70 Of linen $70 Of cotton $60