WHoa! Bright lights! ... okay

Hi there. Here's the deal: I'm currently working on updating this entire site. I know.. its a big task but I've managed to snag myself a MUCH faster connection and some pretty neat new materials so hopefully it shouldn't take too very long. Currently it looks like (in addition to my new bloggish toys) there will be: new layouts; an expanded text section; more, better, and newer photos of my artwork; and quite possibly a section to promote/sell my jewelry and chainmail. Sound interesting? Suggestions? Let me know.


Updated so far:

5.1.02 The Written Word - now called Flowers of Phenomenology. I still haven't finished moving all of the old stuff into this new format, but there is a good deal of my "newer" work there, so feel free to check it out. I'm actively writing as of late so I'll be posting new material there on a regular basis. Also note (to avoid frustration- unless of course you enjoy angelfire's glib messages) the "stems" and "roots" links on flowers.html (the section menu) unfortunately aren't functioning at the moment simply because its the end of my last term before graduation, and I just haven't had time to create the pages that they refer to yet.