Welcome to the Ultimate Ranma 1/2 Characters Page! This page will take you through a list of all the characters presented in the Ranma 1/2 anime version from Viz Video.

All characters are listed alphabetically.


Akane: Akane Tendo is Ranma's fiancé thanks to their parents. Although Akane puts up a "Who cares" and "Our parents arranged it" attitude, she is, in fact, in love with Ranma.

Azusa: Azusa is a martial arts figure skater who loves anything and everything that she deems cute. She stole, kept, and named many things including a balloon, a blanket, a fish sausage, and even Genma as a panda

Cologne: Cologne is Shampoo's Great Grandmother. She came from China to enforce the Amazon marriage rules. Cologne also teaches Ranma all his techniques. (Atleast through Great Eggspectations)

Copycat Ken: Copycat Ken is a formidable martial artist, despite the fact that he takes the appearance and techniques of others.

Dojo Destroyer: The Dojo Destroyer was a strong opponent who went from dojo to dojo defeating the owners, and taking their signs. He was only defeated when Ranma and Akane used the "Dual Jetstream Raging Waters Attack".

Dr. Tofu: The Tendo family physician. Doctor Tofu was Akane's first love, but he is in love with Kasumi

Genma: Ranma's father. Genma is also cursed by the springs of Jusenkyo; he turns into a panda. In his spare time Genma enjoys: eating, setting up engagements for Ranma, and eating.

Ghost Cat: This very big cat went through the Tendo's looking for a bell which, with the one he already had, completed a set. He searched for, but never found a fiance

Happosai: The "master" of Ranma, as well as Genma and Soun, although he doesn't teach them anything. Happosai could easily win the award of most perverted man in the history of the world.

Headmaster : The new headmaster of Furinkan High School was introduced in the "Outta Control" series. He comes up with many plans to anger the student body, and in particular, Ranma.

Jusenkyo Guide: The Jusenkyo Guide is supposed to help visitors of Jusenkyo with his knowledge of the cursed springs... but, he doesn't. He only tells people that they are cursed after they have fallen in the spring.

Kaori: Special props to QustionMrk of the Ranma 1/2 ML Kaori is another of Ranma's many fiances. Her specialty are the dreaded Anything-Goes Martial Arts Takeout Techniques.

Kasumi: The eldest of the three Tendo daughters. Kasumi is a great cook who is, basically, the mother figure of the house. Her catchphrase is "Oh, my!"

Kirin: Head of the Seven-Lucky-Gods School of Martial Arts. Kirin appears in the first movie and takes Akane to marry her. His best offense and defense come from his chopsticks.

Kodachi: The "Black Rose," Kodachi is a Martial Arts Rythmic Gymnast who is in love with Ranma. She often uses poisons with sleep effects.

Kuno (Tatewaki): The "Blue Thunder of Furinkan High School" is in love with both Akane and Ranma-chan. Kuno is most adept with a Kendo stick, which he is always carrying around.

Laichee: Another character introduced in the first Ranma movie. Laichee shows up in Japan to attack Happosai and await her prince. She is the owner of an elephant, as well as the scroll-half which Kirin desires.

Ling-Ling: One of the two Amazons who try to finish off Ranma after Shampoo could not.

Lung-Lung: The other half of the Amazon pair who attack with the ?Ancient Fire Dragon Technique? 

Mikado: Mikado is the playboy ice skater who competes with Azusa and suffers the wrath of Ranma-kun after kissing Ranma while Ranma was in his girl form.

Miss Hinako: This school teacher was taught the by Happosai to drain the Chi (or "battle aura/energy" for the Ranma impaired) of any opponent. When Miss Hinako drains an opponent she grows dramatically in several areas. (Wowza*!)

Mousse: Master of the "Fist Of The White Swan," Mousse is, supposedly, a master of black magic, but I guess you can say that of anyone who fights with a training potty. Mousse's curse brings up one of the unsolved mysteries of the Ranmaverse. More on that later.

Nabiki: The money driven Nabiki is a positive influence to all street hustlers everywhere, skillfully scheming ways to get money out of everyone.

Phoenix: This lovable bird is from the OAV series, although this OAV was originally released in the theaters in Japan. I'm counting the days until that happens in the U.S. Does anyone know what comes after quadrillion? Back to the point: This bird is arguably Ranma's toughest opponent ever.

Prince Toma: Prince Toma is a boy who wishes for a bride. Naturally there's a catch. Unfortunately for Toma there are no women on his cursed island. Therefore, for the second movie, Ranma-chan and company find themselves caught by Toma to see who'll become his bride.

Ranma: The star of the show. Ranma is a strong and cocky martial artist who has great strength and speed. Ranma also has his share of problems; he changes into a girl, which would hurt anyone's masculinity, and he very rarely can admit his true feelings.

Onna-Ranma: Ranma's "better-half." Ranma's cursed side (For the slower of mind among us, the reason why the show is called Ranma 1/2) which he hates at first, but learns how to deal with it, and even occasionally use it to his advantage.

Ryoga: "The Eternal Lost Boy" Ryoga is complex character. He's a fairly nice person, unless your name is Ranma or you call him P-chan. Besides his cursed sense of direction, he also turns into a pig, P-chan, thanks to his following Ranma to Jusenkyo.

Sasuke: The servant of the Kuno estate, Sasuke is a quick, yet pathetic, ninja who occasionaly helps Kuno in Kuno's plots to defeat Ranma.

Shampoo: The beautiful amazon who Ranma originally defeats in his girl form and receives the kiss of death from. Ranma then defeats her in his boy form causing Shampoo to try to marry Ranma. Shampoo falls in love with him and repeatedly tries to win his affection. Shampoo's cursed form is that of a cat; very tragic.

Shinnosuke: Shinnosuke saved Akane's life when they were both young. Akane sets out to repay her debt to him in the OAV "An Akane To Remember."

Soun: The hardworking proprietor of the Tendo dojo, who isn't afraid of anyone, especially not his master, Happosai. Alas, sarcasm doesn't have the same effect when written. As the father of Kasumi, Nabiki, and Akane, Soun wishes Ranma to wed Akane and take over his dojo.

Tsubasa: Tsubasa is a cross-dresser who is in love with Ukyo. He can disguise himself as any inanimate object, which is sooo helpful because no one would be suspicious of a walking vending machine.

Ukyo: Ukyo can cook. As the cooking queen and resident cute fiance, Ukyo uses her spatula for good and evil, making a mean Okinomiyaki, as well as, assaulting foes.


* Is "wowza" a way too white expression? Well... if it's good enough for Nabiki...


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