Ranma 1/2 Survey Form


Thank you for choosing to fill out the Ranma 1/2 Survey Form. My site is experiencing difficulties of the technical variety. The submit button is sending garbled text 1 out of every 3 times... and, unfortunately... the other two times it's sending blank forms. -_-;; The best (only) way is to please, if you can manage the time, send answers to me directly at r_owens@angelfire.com. No need to write the questions, just answers; one line per answer. Many thanks. I will be getting cgi scripts within two months. Votes are tabulated weekly on the Ranma 1/2 Survey Results Page.

All personal questions (name, age, nationality, etc.) are optional. Also for questions marked with *, the answers will not be posted.

Please do not vote more than once a week, and do answer questions appropriately.


What is your name?


How old are you?


What is your E-mail address?


What state/province/country do you live in?


Would you like your personal information to be kept confidential?

Yes No

How did you find out about Ranma 1/2?


Who is your favorite Ranma 1/2 character?


Which character is the best fighter?


Which character is the strongest?


Which character is the cutest?


Which character should Ranma end up with?


Which cursed spring would you most like to fall into?

Spring of drowned


Which characters make the best couple?



Please tell me what I can do to improve my website! I'd like to make this the best Ranma 1/2 site on the net. Write what sections, questions, or comments I should add my webpage. J Thank You J




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Ultimate Ranma 1/2 Voting Results