The Cure?!? Pt. 2


Genma looked down at the article of clothing with disgust. "Well m'boy looks like you'll have to try it first to make sure it's safe," Genma said right before splashing himself with cold water.

"Oh no you don't!" Ranma yelled. "You're not getting out of this. If I go down you're going with me." Ranma pour out the kettle's steaming content onto Genma and pulled him up the stairs.

Later Ranma and Genma had changed into their cursed forms and were beginning to play the waiting game.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Happosai came flying through the window of the Saotome's room. "Oh Ranma! Is it true?" Happosai beamed.

"Is what true you old lech?"

"Are you really gonna stay this way for two weeks?!? Since you're stuck like this why don't you try this on." Happosai reached into his sack and pulled out an expensive (if he had bought it) bra.

"No way, you old goat!" Happosai leaped to put the bra on Onna-Ranma, but she swatted him away. "Great this is just what I need."

After two weeks and many similar distractions by Happosai, it was finally time for the second, and most embarrasing, leg of the steps to the cure.

Ranma and Genma were preparing to go outside.

"O.K. Pops," Onna-Ranma began, "we're gonna have to do this as quietly as possible." Ranma opened the door, quickly slipped out of his top, and was about to start his sprint, when Happosai jumped out of the bushes.

"Ranma! How dare you run around half-naked... and not tell me!"

"Get off of me you little pervert," Onna-Ranma yelled.

Akane, who was awakened by the commotion, came outside in her nightgown. "What's going on out here?!?" Akane screamed.

Happosai turned to look at Akane and Ranma sent him off into space with a quick uppercut.

"What are you doing out here?" Ranma shouted at Akane.

"Oh! Is that how you thank me for helping you get rid of Happosai."

"No one wants no uncute girl like you out here butting in on our business." Ranma fired back.

"What! How dare you!" Akane whipped out her mallet and began to chase Ranma down the street.

Meanwhile Genma was still standing at the entrance to the Tendo dojo.

"Well, Soatome," Soun said as tears began stream down his face, "it looks like Ranma and Akane are going to great together. Look how she's chasing him in the pattern of a dragon so that he can we cured. It's finally time for you and Ranma to be rid of your curses."

"Rubuuburruuu," Genma nodded his approval of Soun's statement. He then took off down the street after Ranma.

Out of nowhere came a cat, a duck, and a little pig. They all followed Ranma and his father, keeping in the pattern of a dragon