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Donkey Bomb

I live my life a beast of burden
This man, he lives his for attack
Here I am, Dead Donkey Walking
The gate to Allah strapped to my back

Donkey Bomb (x4)

Steely eyed and fucking nuts
He leads me to the vestibule
Just let me go. Jihad ain't me, man
I'm not religious. I'm just a mule

Donkey Bomb (x6)
I am the Donkey Bomb
Holy Donkey Bomb
Jihad, Jihaw, Hee Haw

Such evil deeds to go unpunished
My Donkey God will not allow
Soon you will suffer eternal torture
Who's the jackass now?

Donkey Bomb (x6)
I am the Donkey Bomb
Holy Donkey Bomb

