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Let me whisper in your eyes
Before everyone gets here
Lay down low and out of sight
Don't think too much how this appears

I've got everything he wants
Big words for such a tiny man
It all gets right back to me
Look around before you speak, man
Watch your step...

'Cause I'm a landmine...

Let me whisper in your eyes
Unzip your ribcage and crawl inside
A nice safe place for me to hide
From the pounding rain of lies

I am everything he's not
He's bluffing, I've seen his hand
Know who you talk to when you talk
You're barking up the wrong tree, man
Watch your step...

'Cause I'm a landmine...

Brush his eyes out of your hair
Take that grain of salt and run
Brush your hair out of your eyes
And send a signal to your only one

Let me whisper in your eyes
So you can see what I'm trying to say
He's on the prowl, and talk is cheap
Indiscretion is his only way
Watch your step...

'Cause I'm a landmine...


