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Ode To Pat and Jerry

God is great, God is good
Let us thank Him for these fools
I think I'm getting stoned
Let me take another hit
Call all other religions shit
I know I'm not alone

Hypnotize the masses with my TV station
Trying to conceal my ceaseless masturbation

I'm high
I'm high

God, don't watch me while I toke
I see Your Son's face in the smoke
I think I'm getting stoned
Single mothers, Jews and fags
Lord, they make me wanna gag
I know I'm not alone

Preaching to the world with my TV station
Still trying to hide my constant fornication

I'm high
I'm high

E-mailing my born-agains
And surfing for gay porn again
And slowly getting stoned
I'll hear Satan's dinner bell
As I slide my fat ass down to Hell
But I'll know I'm not alone

I'm on the air and door-to-door
And passed out with two naked whores
I'm coming down and low on cash
So donate now before I crash

I'm high
I'm high
I'm high

