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Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Jamestown. Her on-going mission: To strive to be recognized in our community as a reflection of the ideals expressed in Star Trek. When other human beings are unable to help themselves, when the environment of our planet is endangered and needs assistance to replenish itself in order to sustain this and future generations, and to encourage others in extending our reach "From the Sea to the Stars," the crew of the Jamestown will be the ones to say "Let Me Help."

Welcome to the home page of the USS Jamestown. The Jamestown, or "Jimmy-T," is a Star Trek fan club in the Hampton/Newport News area of Virginia and a chapter of Starfleet: The International Star Trek Fan Organization. The Jamestown began service to Starfleet International on September 6, 1982, and is the oldest chapter of SFI in Virginia. She began service as NCC-1843, an Enterprise Class Heavy Cruiser under the command of VADM Steve Thomas. With the advent of Star Trek: The Next Generation, the crew decided to step into the 24th Century. The Enterprise Class Jamestown became a Nebula Class Light Cruiser, NCC-1843-D, also under the command of VADM Thomas. Recently NCC-1843-D was retired and replaced by a Vesta Class Starship NCC-1843E. The USS Jamestown has had four CO’s: VADM Stephen Thomas, VADM Richard Hewitt, BDG Michael Romero and RADM John Winsley. The present CO of the USS Jamestown is VADM Richard Hewitt will be CO again.

As you will see, we like to have fun as well. We encourage our members to take on an alternate persona within the 24th century timeframe of the Star Trek universe. We also have a multitude of picnics, parties and other get-togethers throughout the year for a variety of reasons. We also attend a multitude of Star Trek conventions where we have had the pleasure of meeting several Trek and other Sci-Fi stars. In the above picture, you can see the crew with Scotty. (James Doohan)

In addition to various Star Trek and other fun related activities, the Jamestown's crew are active participants in various charity fund-rasiers throughout our community.

We meet on the forth Sunday of every month at the Hampton Main Library on Victory Blvd, Hampton, VA at 2:00 PM in meeting room B. If you're in the area, come to one of our meetings or events and check us out! You can find their info on the STARFLEET Web Site: Starfleet International If you have any questions concerning the club, email our webmasters listed at the bottom of the page, or our Commanding Officer, Richard Hewitt.

Starfleet International wants YOU!

Looking for adventure? Join Starfleet International and see the Universe! The USS Jamestown has many crew positions that can be filled, and has a place for YOU! Both SFI and the Jamestown have low and convenient membership rates which are detailed on their respective applications.



Jamestown History

Links to Starfleet, Star Trek, and other sci-fi web pages:

Starfleet International
Starfleet Region 1
Star Trek: Continuum, Paramount's Official Site
The Virginia Air & Space Center

The number of fellow voyagers to visit this website is:

The Webmaster, John Winsleyu

"Star Trek," "Star Trek: The Next Generation," "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine," "Star Trek: Voyager," Starfleet, and Starfleet Academy are all ® Paramount Pictures, a Viacom company. No infringement is intended.

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