

This is where information regarding the crew of the Unicorn is posted. Some files are still classified to command staff access only. There are also links at the bottom of this page should you wish to apply for a position aboard the USS Unicorn.

Choosing the Science icon will establish a link with the USS Unicorn's database of Bravo Fleet, STOAT and ship's regulations and protocols. Choosing the Sickbay icon will establish a link with the NPC personnel database and established facts about the Unicorn presented by her crew via posts.

Congratulations to "Biggs" Duke on his promotion to Commander and Lessonar on his promotion to 1 Lieutenant!

Position Name Rank Race -Gender Personnel File
Commanding Officer P.D. McAllister Human-Male
Executive Officer The Elf Vulcan/Romulan Female
CONN Officer Available      
Operations Manager Available      
Chief of Security Kira Malsten Ivantian-Female
Tactical Officer J'min Krazzle-Male
Chief Enginner "Bigss" Duke Human-Male
Transporter Chief Available      
Science Officer Available      
Chief Medical Officer Available      
Marine Commander Dyral Lanor Human-Male
Marine XO Available    
Platoon Leader Available      
Marine (NCOIC) Available      
Wing Commander Lessonar Klingon-Male
Pilot Available      
Pilot Available      
Pilot Available      



Actrive Non-Player Characters (NPCs)

NPCs will be eliminated to make room for players

CONN Ensign Afali
Captain's Aide (AHCI) "Acey"
OPS Layna Sanders
Security Officer Ensign Harsh
Engineering Officer Billy-Bob Stynt
Ship's Counslor Lyris DevRoy
Chief Medical Officer Dr. Wakako
Marine (NCOIC) Sarge

Commendation Award

Awarded after each mission to the player who submitted the best post for that mission.

Mission 2   Stardate 2374.4.24   Awarded to Lt. Commander "Bigs" Duke for the Lord Skragg of the Krazzle post.
Mission 3   Stardate 2374.7.17   Awarded to Lt(jg) J'min for the providing us with a unique insight on the Krazzle personality.
Mission 4   Stardate 2375.11.22   Awarded to then First Lieutenant Lessonar, Unicorn Detachment, 17/th Fleet Marine Force, for his excellent post clearing the Captain and crew of the Unicorn of charges destroying the Krazzle planet known as The Pale.      

Achievement Award

Awarded after each mission to the player who did the most to develop the plot and move the story line of the USS Unicorn forward, without causing major splits in the story line or major changes to other characters.

Mission 1   Stardate 2374.3.28   Awarded to Lieutenant Commander Duke "Biggs" Wayne, for significant advances to the story and culture of the USS Unicorn.
Mission 2   Stardate 2374.4.24   Awarded to Lieutenant Kira Malsten for an excellent idea seemlessly linking the Unicorn's second and third missions.
Mission 3   Stardate 2374.7.17   Awarded to Lt. Commander Biggs Duke, for posts on his kidnapping and setting up our next mission.
Mission 4   Stardate 2375.11.22   Awarded to Captain Dyral Lanor, Commanding Officer, Unicorn Marine Detachment, for inovative additions to story line "A Whiter Shade of Pale."

Combat Action Award

Awarded to all crew of the USS Unicorn who posted realistic combat scenes, avoiding major splits and story corrections.

Mission 1   Stardate 2374.3.28   Awarded to Lt. Cdr. "Bigs" Wayne and First Lieutenant Dyral Lanor, for posting some excellent stories regarding the Unicorn's part in the rescue of the USS Odysseus.
Mission 2   Stardate 2374.4.24   Awarded to Marine Captain Dyral Lanor for his excellent assault on the USS Encounter, taking that ship back from Jem'Hadar capture.

Meritorious Unit Commendation

Awarded to a particular crew section (Command, Operations/Support, Sciences, or Marines) that does an outstanding job as a section during a particular mission. Awarded at the Captain's discretion.

Mission 1   Stardate 2374.3.28   Awarded to the Unicorn Detachment, 17 Bravo Fleet Marines, for the successful forced boarding of the USS Odysseus to secure their engineering section and secure the ship from Cartel forces.
Mission 3   Stardate 2374.7.17   Awarded to the Engineering Department of the USS Unicorn, and all those who provided ideas for her refit.


Campaign Awards

  Fleet Wide Mission   For Participation in the Mission "A Better Part of Valor."

Join Bravo Fleet, STOAT, and the USS Unicorn

  Captain McAllister, I definately want to serve on the USS Unicorn!

To join the crew of the Unicorn, you must first join Bravo Fleet. Personnel with no experience are encouraged to enlist in the Bravo Fleet Academy. When filing your application, specify the Unicorn as your primary ship choice. Make sure to include the position on board you are applying for, but remember that ranks are assigned based on experience, not position. To join the crew of the Unicorn, 'tap' the commbadge for a secure link to Bravo Fleet enlistment.

  Captain McAllister, I think I'd like a position on the USS Unicorn, but...

If you think you would like a position aboard the Unicorn, but are unsure for any reason, or just have some questions you need answered before you apply, please 'tap' the commbadge and send me a message. I'll be more than happy to address any concerns you might have.

  Captain McAllister, thanks for the tour, but I'm not the Starfleet type.

Not a problem -- not every citizen of the Federation is cut out to serve in Starfleet. I hope you enjoyed your tour of the USS Unicorn, and if you change your mind, come on back and see me. Would you do the crew of the Unicorn a favor and register as a visitor by "tapping' the commbadge to enter a record of your visit?