These files and links are provided to assist the crew of the Unicorn with obtaining information which they may find useful in their on-going mission.
Active Non-Player Characters
Ensign Afali | CONN |
Ensign Afali is the Unicorn's CONN officer. Not much is known about this individual, and orders given to him during bridge scenes are usually addressed simply "Helm, set course..." Afali has been cleared of suspicion regarding the recent Krazzle infiltration of the Unicorn's senior officers. | ||
"Acey" | Captain's Aide (AHCI) |
Captain's McAllister's yeoman, Layna Sanders, was believed to have been killed in action during the battle with the Sect. During that battle, the Unicorn was extensively damaged. As part of her refit, Chief Engineer "Biggs" Duke obtained an prototype computer program that allowed the Unicorn's main computer to manifest itself in holographic form. This program, the Active Holographic Computer Interface, or "Acey." Acey can utilize any form within the Unicorn, where holo-emitters are installed on all decks. Acey normally appears as a slim red haired woman with green eyes, wearing the uniform of a command ensign. When not actively serving as the Captain's aide, Acey will often take the Science station on the bridge. | ||
Layna Sanders | OPS |
Ensign Layna Sanders began life as a Petty Officer in Engineering. For reasons I really don't remember, she was promoted and transferred to the position of Captain's Yeoman as a Chief Petty Officer (CPO). During this time, a love interest has been hinted at in many posts between Chief Sanders and Marine Captain Dyral Lanor. During the battle with the Sect, the Dominion's special operations force, Chief Sanders was believed to have been killed. This evidently did not happen, as she immediately reappeared in several posts as an officer, usually in charge of communications. In order to keep the number of NPCs at a minimum, and bowing to the inevitable, Captain McAllister "officially" promoted Layna to the rank of Ensign in the position of Operations Manager (OPS) for the Unicorn. As for her "love" interest in Cpt. Lanor -- well, there must have been some reason she was kept alive, eh? | ||
Ensign Harsh | Security Officer | Ensign Harsh is another officer that doesn't get a whole lot of "air" time, but deserves a minor mention. Whenever there's a need to assign a name to one of the Unicorn's security personnel, Harsh usually ends up in the story. This guy can really get around! | ||
Billy-Bob Stynt | Engineering Officer | Lieutenant Stynt exsists primarily to give the Chief Engineer someone to talk to, although since Biggs' kidnapping, Stynt had to do a little more than gape in awe at his boss. During encounters, Stynt is usually on the Bridge while Biggs performs his magic in Engineering. They work well together during repair scenes, which only proves the old adage: "Talk to yourself, have an intelligent conversation for once." | ||
Lyris DevRoy | Chief Medical Officer | Lyris started life as a player character, but after one or two posts, she disappeared. Lyris is actually a Counsellor, but was asked to fill in as CMO due to her nursing background and the lack of senior officers. In her medical duties, she is assisted by the EMH -- the Unicorn's Emergency Medical Hologram in the form of Dr. Beverly Crusher. | ||
Dr. Wakako | Trauma Surgeon | Dr. Wakako is a creation of Cpt. Lanor's -- he kept killing off his marines and needed someone to put them back together again. Dr. Wakako was the CMO of the Unicorn, removed to put Ms. DevRoy in place. In order to keep the character alive, he was transferred to the marines as their "Doc." | ||
Sarge | Marine (NCOIC) | Sarge represents the majority of the Unicorn's marines, and appears in several posts doing a variety of tasks, usually involving yelling at some hapless dimwit on behalf of Cpt. Lanor. | ||
"Tiger" Blair | Wing Commander | A suggestion was made in game to assign fighter craft to the Unicorn. Unfortuantely, due to the Unicorn's small size (she is rated as a Frigate) adding fighters meant the loss of our shuttles and runabouts. We now have four Lakeland class fighters on a trial basis, and so, needed a Wing Commander ASAP to move our story along. Tiger is a brand new NPC, just added at the beginning of Mission 4: A Whiter Shade of Pale. |