Virginia's Assemblies
2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7:30 PM
Monitor Lodge #197 212
East Mellen Street Hampton, VA 23663 (757)
723-1331 Mrs. Judy Wipperman, Mother Advisor
\Mr. Ernie Lane, Chairman Adv. Bd.
Directions: I-64 to Exit 268 (Phoebus). Left on South Mallory
Street. Right on East Mellen Street (Rt. 143E). Temple two blocks on the right.
1st and 3rd Thursdays, 7:30 PM
Henry Lodge #57
10503 Oak Place Fairfax, VA 22030-0175
Mrs. Andrea Costanzo, Mother Advisor
Mr. Tim Groves, Chairman Adv. Bd.
Directions: From I-66, Exit 60 south to Rt. 123 (Fairfax). Turn right at
the first traffic light onto Oak Place. Henry Masonic Temple is approximately
1/4 mile on the left.
2nd and 4th Tuesday, 7:30 PM
Smithfield Union Lodge #18
223 South Mason Street Smithfield, VA 23430
(757) 357-3756
Mrs. Ginny Kaylor, Mother Advisor
Mrs. Barbara Matney, Chairman Adv. Bd.
Directions: North I-64 East to Rt. 258 South to Rt. 71 South exit to Rt.
32. Portsmouth Rt. 17 North to Rt. 32. Go 3.5 miles to Rt. 10 West. Turn North
on Rt. 258 (Main Street). Turn left on Mason Street. Masonic Temple is on left.
2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7:30 PM
John A. Lejeune Lodge #350
235 Potomac Ave. Quantico, VA 22134
(703) 640-7350
Mrs. Kathy Bryan, Mother Advisor
Mr. Rex Rockhill, Chairman Adv. Bd.
Directions: 1-95 to Exit 150A (East) toward Triangle. Continue through
main gate of Quantico Marine Base, three miles to traffic light. Turn left and
go 2-1/2 blocks. Masonic Temple is brick building with chain link fence on the
2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7:30 PM
Richmond Scottish Rite Temple-Lodge Rm #1
4204 Hermitage Road Richmond, VA 23227
(804) 264-2050
Mrs. Cynthia Norman, Mother Advisor
Ms. Cathy Thompson, Chairman Adv. Bd.
Directions: I-95 to Boulevard (Exit 78). Turn left from ramp at traffic
light onto Hermitage Road. Proceed on Hermitage Road two miles to Scottish Rite
Temple on left. Make "U" turn at second traffic light (Bryan Park).
1st and 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 PM
Ashburn Lodge #288
Route 625 (Waxpool Road) Ashburn, VA 20147
(703) 729-4403
Mrs. Melinda Mays, Mother Advisor
Mr. Glenn Wainer, Chairman Adv. Bd.
Directions: From Rt. 28, go 2-1/2 miles North of the Dulles Toll Road
Exit and turn West onto Waxpool Road. After traveling approximately 2 miles,
make a left turn to stay on Waxpool Road (State Rt. 625). Continue approximately
1 mile. Temple is on left.
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