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State Calendar 2003-2004

July 2003

8                          Founder's Day

12                        Smithfield Assembly Installation  3 p.m.

13                        Fairfax Assembly Installation  5 p.m.

19                        Hampton Assembly Installation 7 p.m.

26                       Quantico Assembly Installation 6 p.m.

                            Grand Assembly Committee Meeting (following Quantico)


August 2003

2-3                         DeMolay Conclave

9                            Newport News Scottish Rite Youth Day

15-16                     Supreme Seminar, Alexandria


September 2003

6-7                       Rainbow Retreat, Clifton Forge

13                        Annual Golf Tournament 1 p.m. tee time

27                        MCHQWA Ball  8 p.m.


October 2003

4                        Fairfax/Ashburn Assembly Grand Visitation  2 p.m.

11                       Masonic Family Day

18                       DeMolay Fall Fest


November 2003

1                        Hampton Assembly Grand Visitation  2 p.m.

                          Grand Assembly Committee Meeting (following Hampton)

6-8                     Grand Lodge

15                      Grand Cross Observance


December 2003

6                       Quantico and Richmond Grand Visitation 2 p.m.

                         Grand Assembly Committee Meeting following GV

11                     Metropolitan Lodge Installation 7 p.m.

13                     Herndon Lodge Installation 7 p.m.

20                     Masonic Home Visit


January 2004

10                      Ashburn Assembly Installation  2 p.m.

10-11                 DeMolay Brotherhood, Richmond

17                      Smithfield Assembly Installation  3 p.m.

                          Hampton Assembly Installation  7 p.m.

                          Dance to follow Installation

31                      Quantico Assembly Installation  1 p.m.

                          Richmond Assembly Installation 6 p.m.


February 2004

7                       Fairfax Assembly Installation  2 p.m.

19-21               Grand Court Amaranth

28                    Charity Ball  7 p.m., Portsmouth


March 2004

13                    GWA Beach Trip, Nags Head NC

                        (for Grand Officers and chaperones)

28                    Daughters of the Nile Installation, KENA Shrine Center


April 2004

4                     Rainbow Sunday

17-18             Smithfield Assembly Grand Visitation  4 p.m. with Sleepover to follow

18                   Busch Gardens (Rainbow Family)

24                   MCHQWA Ball

30                   Adult Retreat

                       Mother Advisor Meeting

                       Grand Assembly Committee Meeting


May 2004

15                  Beach Trip, Buckroe Beach, Hampton

16-18             Eastern Star Grand Chapter


June 2004

5                    Grand Officer Practice  11 a.m.

26-27            11th Annual Grand Assembly of Virginia
