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Adult Appointments

Grand Executive Board of Virginia, 2003-2004


Mrs. Susan Rennagel, Supreme Inspector

Mrs. Karen Feely
Mrs. Linda Boyd Hodges
Mrs. Myra Knowlton
Mrs. Colette Lane
Mrs. Nancy Martin
Mr. Bob Pagani
Mr. Bill Rennagel
Mr. Rex Rockhill

Mrs. Kathy Bryan

Grand Assembly Committee of Virginia, 2003-2004


Ms. Alicia Bryan Motyka, Chairperson

Mr. Bill Bryan

Mr. Tim Groves

Mrs. Tracy Groves

Mrs. Linda Stanley

Mrs. Pam Bowles 

Mrs. Mary Alice Melton

Mrs. Barbara Matney

Mrs. Pamela Wood

Mrs. Cathy Moreland

Mrs. Cindy Pagani

Mrs. Cynthia Norman

Mrs. Judy Wippermann

Mrs. Clarice Jones



Mrs. Linda Boyd Hodges, Chairperson of Grand Representatives
Miss Alice McDaniel, Dean of Grand Cross of Color
Mrs. Donna Kluefer, Competitions
Ms. Kristina Groves, VaMMA Advisor
Mrs. Dianna Baise, State Pledge Mother

Ms. Jennifer Wishart, State Rainbow Retreat

Mr. Doug Preidis, State Adult Retreat

Mrs. Erin Jenkins Pendleton, Grand Executive Board Treasurer

Mrs. Linda Jenkins, Tenth Anniversary

Ms. Lindsey Bryan and Ms. Allison Pagani, Ritual Advisors

Ms. Kim Fry, Rainbow Task Force

Scholarship Committee of Virginia, 2003-2004


Mr. Hank Hodges, Chairperson

Ms. Cynthia Jordan, Mrs. Dottie Brown, Mrs.
Beverly Brooks 

Mrs. Sue Riggle, Mr. Nathan Stone

Mrs. Christie Denis Reed

Junior Grand Executive Board 2003-2004


Miss Chrissie Melton

Miss Heather Rockhill

Miss Christine Norman

Miss Noelle Nochisaki

Miss Amanda Moreland

Miss Sarah Fry

Miss Lindsay Bryan

Miss Amanda Berman

Miss Kristina Groves

Miss Lindsay Woodson

Miss Julia Hutt

