VHSL-helper's 2016 2A West cheat-sheet 

                 now           L             W        seed
Richlands        262               264-271             1-4
Appomattox       240        265-271       284-290      1-4
Graham           239        256-262       273-279      1-5
Union (BSG)      229        241-247       257-263      3-5
Dan River        227        245-254       263-272      1-5

Grundy           208               212-216             7-11
Martinsville     202        215-222       227-234      6-10
Glenvar          198        218-220       235-237      6-10
Giles            196        212-215       226-229      6-13
Marion           192        214-220       233-239      6-11

Gate City        191               194-198            11-14
Lee              180        192-196       205-209     11-14
Floyd Co.        170        187-196       205-214      9-14
John S. Battle   167        183-192       202-211     11-14

Lebanon          150        160-165       173-178     15-x
Central (Wise)   156               157-164            15-x

James River      141        155-161       171-177     15-x
Tazewell         140        151-158       165-172     15-x
Va. High         139        154-158       171-175     15-x
Gretna           138        147-154       158-165     15-x
Ridgeview        138        148-150       161-163     15-x
Chatham          135        148-156       163-171     15-x
Grayson Co.      130        147-152       165-170     15-x
Buckingham Co.   114        129-132       145-148       x

14 teams are in, 9 other teams have a chance; 
Lebanon is in with a win

  262    : now

     2-8 : 2 each for : Taze-Leb;   Gra/Narz, Union/JSB, Va/Lee
     0-1 : 1 each for :             Ab/Mar  


  240    : now 
   38/19 : points if they win/lose (Amh)

    6-12 : 2 each for : Dan-Alta, WC-Chat, Gret-Nelson;
                        Buck/Pr.Ed.Co., Rust/ECG, Herit/Lib 

L : 265-271    W : 284-290

  239    : now 
   30/13 : points if they win/lose (Narz)

    4-10 : 2 each for : Bland-Fort, Gray-Galax;  Taze/Leb, Ab/Mar, Giles/Aub
L : 256-262    W : 273-279

                              Union (BSG)
  229    : now 
   28/12 : points if they win/lose (JSB)

     0-6 : 2 each for : Lee/Va, JIB/Tom, Ridge/Hon

L : 241-247    W : 257-263

                              Dan River
  227    : now 
   32/14 : points if they win/lose (Alta)

    4-12 : 2 each for : Nelson-Gret, Chat-WC;    B-Y/GrahamNC, Tuns/Bass, 
                                                 Mag/GW-Dan, Mart/Pat
    0- 1 : 1 each for : Appo/Amh

L : 245-254     W : 263-272

  208    : now 

    2-4 : 2 each for : Leb-Taze;               Rview/JMon
    2-4 : 1 each for : TVal-Hur, Hon-Ridge;    TVal/Hur, Hon/Ridge


  202    : now 
   22/10 : points if they win/lose (Pat)

    2-8  : 2 each for : Bass-Tuns;  Floyd/Glen, More/NGuil, McMike/WAlam
    1-2  : 1 each for : Mag-GWdan;  Dan/Alta
L : 215-222    W : 227-234

  198    : now 
   30/13 : points if they win/lose (Floyd)

     6  : 2 each for : JR-Cov, Giles-Aub, EM-Rad; 
    1-3 : 1 each for : Gray-Galax;   Gray/Galax, Cave/Hidn

L : 218-220    W : 235-237

  196    : now 
   24/10 : points if they win/lose (Aub)

     4  : 2 each for : Bb-Cb, EM-Rad
    2-5 : 1 each for : Narz-Grah, Floyd-Glen;     Narz/Grah, Floyd/Glen, Galax/Gray

L : 212-215    W : 226-229

  192    : now 
   36/17 : points if they win/lose (Ab)

    4-10 : 2 each for : Hols-Chil, PH-Nw;   Ridge/Hon, Taze/Leb, Va/Lee
     1   : 1 each for : RR-GW 

L : 214-220    W : 233-239

                              Gate City
  191    : now 

    2-4  : 2 each for : Va-Lee;     Ridge/Hon
    1-3  : 1 each for : JSB-Union;  JSB/Union, Ab/Mar


  180    : now 
   22/9 : points if they win/lose (Va)

     2-6 : 2 each for : Tom-JIB;      Leb/Taze, Ridge/Hon
      1  : 1 each for : JSB-Union

L : 192-196    W : 205-209

                              Floyd Co.
  170    : now 
   32/14 : points if they win/lose (Glen)

    0-6 : 2 each for : Carol/PH-Ro, Gray/Galax, JR/Cov
    3-6 : 1 each for : Pat-Mart, EM-Rad, Aub-Giles;
                       Pat/Mart, EM/Rad, Aub/Giles

L : 187-196    W : 205-214

                              John S. Battle
  167    : now 
   34/15 : points if they win/lose (Union)

    0-6 : 2 each for :    Hol/Chil, Leb/Taze, Ridge/Hon
    1-4 : 1 each for : Lee-Va;  Lee/Va, Ab/Mar, PH/Nw

L : 183-192    W : 202-211

                              Central (Wise)
  156    : now 

    0-4  : 2 each for : Ridge/Hon, Leb/Taze
    1-2  : 1 each for : JSB-Union;     Lee/Va  


  150    : now 
   22/9 : points if they win/lose (Taze)

    0-2  : 2 each for :     Hon/Ridge          
    1-4  : 1 each for : Va-Lee;    Va/Lee, Ab/Mar, JSB/Union

L : 160-165    W : 173-178

                              James River
  141    : now 
   28/12 : points if they win/lose (Cov)

     0-2 : 2 each for :    Chat/WC
     2-6 : 1 each for : Floyd-Glen, Bath-Parry;  Bath/Parry, 
                        Botey/StRiv, Rad/EM, Fort/Bland, 

L : 155-161    W : 171-177

  140    : now 
   24/10 : points if they win/lose (Leb)

     0-4 : 2 each for :     RR/GW, Gray/Galax   
     1-4 : 1 each for : Mar-Ab;   Gra/Narz, Chil/Hols, Va/Lee
L : 151-158    W : 165-172

                             Va. High
  139    : now 
   30/13 : points if they win/lose (Lee)

    0-2  : 2 each for :   JSB/Union
    2-4  : 1 each for : Taze-Leb, Mar-Ab;   Chil/Hol, Taze/Leb

L : 154-158    W : 171-175

  138    : now 
   18/ 7 : points if they win/lose (Nel)

    0-2  : 2 each for :              RanH/Not 
    2-7  : 1 each for : Alta-Dan, Chat-WC;   Chat/WC, 
                  Tuns/Bass, Brook/Jeff, Herit/Lib, Appo/Amh

L : 147-154    W : 158-165

  138    : now 
   22/ 9 : points if they win/lose (Hon)

    1-3 : 1 each for : JSB-Union;    Lee/Va, Mar/Ab

L : 148-150    W : 161-163

  135    : now 
   26/11 : points if they win/lose (WCam)

    0-4  : 2 each for :       Buck/PrEdCo, Blue/Amelia
    2-6  : 1 each for : Dan-Alta, Nelson-Gret;    JR/Cov
                        Appo/Amh, Nelson/Gret, Tuns/Bass
L : 148-156    W : 163-171

                             Grayson Co.
  130    : now 
   32/14 : points if they win/lose (Galax)

    0-2  : 2 each for :    Carroll/PH-R
    3-6  : 1 each for : Floyd-Glen, Narz-Grah, Bland-Fort;   
                        Alleg/StarNC, Taze/Leb, Bland/Fort 

L : 147-152    W : 165-170

                              Buckingham Co.
  114    : now 
   28/12 : points if they win/lose (PrEdCo)

    3-6  : 1 each for : Amelia-Blue, Chat-WC, Not-RanH   
                        Not/RanH, Lun/Cumb, Appo/Amh

L : 129-132    W : 145-148