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  • Accessibility... Anyone in the world can access your website.

  • Cost Effectiveness... You are able to put services on your website, such as Frequently Asked Questions, Tech Support, Catalogs, etc. This saves both time and money.

  • Feedback... Through email and forms, you are able to get feedback from clients and individuals instantly.

  • Level playing field... Your competition most likely has a website, which gives them a distinct advantage. If they do not have a website, then your company will have the advantage.

  • Impressions... Most major corporations have web sites, shouldn't you? Your website address can be placed in advertisements, brochures, business cards, etc.

  • Resume exposure... Put your resume online so it can be viewed by prospective employers.

  • Share common interests... Put your hobbies and interests on your website to be viewed by anybody in the world.

At Vignet Studios, we use the latest web designing software to design your websites, ensuring that your site is up-to-date with the latest web site designing trends and techniques. Here are some of the renouned products we use in constructing web pages :