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Website Testing »

Vignet Studios' "Premier" Service. Almost EVERYONE has a website today, but is your website really productive and compatible to all visitors? (probably not) We have the perfect solution for companies/individuals who already have websites. Our testing system is unique and offers comprehensive tests in the following catagories for your site at a low cost:

HTML design
Browser Compatibility
Load Time
HTML Validity
Broken Links
Search Engine Readiness
Link Popularity
Line-By-Line Suggestion
META Tag Check

All this for 250$ per page. Email us to find out about our other packages in Website Testing. The latest interent solution of Vignet Studios.

Web Design »

  • Design and Layout... Along with your input, we will Custom Design your website according to your company needs.

  • Graphic Design... We will design the graphics for your website using our state of the art software.

  • Logo Creation*... If your company does not yet have a logo, we can design a logo to represent your company.

  • Java... Java is a web design tool that can enhance the creativity of your website. Java can add a unique touch to your web site.

  • Image Scans**... Any photos or company logos will be scanned and posted on your website.

  • Form Responder**... If you would like your customers to be able to leave feedback via a page on your site, a form responder will be created.

  • Search Engine Submission**... Your website can be registered to the Top 10 search engines, such as Yahoo, AltaVista, Lycos, and HotBot, in order to increase traffic to your website.

  • Counter... At your request, a hit counter will be added that tracks user information as well as visits to your site.

  • Frames... Your website can be designed with Frames, which enables the main portion of your site to change while the logo and contents stays constant.

  • Domain Name Registration... Along with your ISP's information, we can register a domain name ( for your website.

  • FTP File Transfer and Backup... Once your site is complete, we will upload all files to your server and make sure everything is working properly. You will also receive a disk with all your files backed up.

    Need More Convincing?
    Click Here For A Flash Presentation For Reasons Why You Need One Of Vignet Studios' Custom Made Websites To Suit Your Needs.

Custom Screen Savers »

Vignet Studios offers your company custom made screen savers to give your company a more professional and classy look. The screen saver(s) can have your company products and logo. It is 100% customizable to meet your/your companies needs & tastes.
Contact us (via email) for pricing information


* Logo creation price to be determined upon consultation.


** Limited according to the price package you choose, see our Rates section for details.