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Everyone already knows that the Supreme is basically the ruler of the world. The other nations of the world run their own internal matters but whenever a conflict or dispute becomes too great, the Supreme has the right to step in and mediate it as she sees fit. Always a woman, the title of Supreme has been in the Redding bloodline passed from mother to firstborn daughter for as long as the Supremecy has been in existence.

Rumors abound about the Reddings themselves. It is said that they are one of the oldest families still in existence, perhaps the oldest, and trace their roots directly back to the ancient civilization that once held the planet, generally referred to as the Old Blood. It is only myth, of course, but it is said that these Old Blood had tremendous power unseen in the modern world, able to perform acts that by today's standards could only be called magic. Some even claim this ability persists within the Redding bloodline.

That there is magic is a matter for speculation, but the centerpiece of the Supremecy is the Ultra Stone, a relic that was created in some long forgotten past. It is the most sacred part of the Supremecy, and the one kept most closely secret. The stories, however, say that a Supreme can gain all the powers of the world by sacrificing her firstborn daughter to the stone. It is also said that once, long ago in the early days of the Supremecy, one Supreme did so. She was a ruthless, evil woman who was eventually slain by her family. Since then, no one has dared to follow her path.

Still, the Ultra Stone remains, kept in a guarded room within the Marble Tower that is the palace of the Supreme. Its true nature is a mystery, but it remains a symbol of the Supremecy and the system of government that has ruled Mocnom for centuries and even millennia.

Older stories recall the times before the Supremecy with fear and despair. It is said that the ancients subjugated the humans and used them as slaves, killing them off at a whim to amuse themselves. These ancients had all the powers of their magic to enforce their will, and armies of ruthless soldiers to back them up. The tales tell of legions of warriors in armor of black iron, who would move through and slaughter the human slaves as they went just to remind them who was in charge.

The name of the empire that spanned the globe in a reign of terror has been lost to time, but the stories tell of the one family of ancients who saw the evils of their fellows and aided the humans. The Reddings formed the slaves into secret armies, and gave them supplies they could never have come by on their own. When the time was right, the slave revolt turned into a complete war, and humans and ancients battled across the entire world.

The ancients called the elements to their aid, slaying thousands with lightning and fiery disaster. Their armies of ruthless warriors cut down millions with their blades of black iron. But still the slaves fought, seizing their only possible chance for freedom. They died by the millions but they slowly pushed back the black waves that had killed them for so long, enduring the horrible losses and fighting on.

It took decades of war. The cities of the world were destroyed, by siege and magical oblivion. Entire populations were slaughtered. Whole continents were claimed by the waves and lost to the world. But slowly, the humans drove back the armies of the ancients and scattered them, using the strength built through slave labor and the weapons they captured from the fallen legions of the ancients.

Then the slaughter began. With the armies of oppressive troops who had protected them gone, the ancients found themselves the targets of the human hatred built with every crack of a whip on their backs and every friend who had been slaughtered by the merciless ancients. Now they offered no quarter to the vicious ones who had made themselves great at the humans' expense, and they proceeded to kill them wherever they were.

All across the world, the ancients were rounded up and killed. They fled, hid in caves, but the humans slowly expanded across the world, building their own kingdoms and nations, and if any ancients were found along the way, they perished by the sword. It was eventually believed that all had fallen and the humans settled into the task of building their own world.

First among their tasks was the building of a place where they could exalt their benevolent ruler. They took the last remaining city of the ancients and rebuilt it, forming it around a fortress tower that still stood, made of pure marble. It was that Marble Tower that became the palace of the Reddings who had befriended the humans.

During the fighting, the head of the family had been killed, and so they bestowed their trust and allegiance on the woman who had been his wife. They called her Supreme, because she was to be the ruler of all humans from this place they built for her and her family. As a symbol of her power, they offered her one of the last relics of the magic of the ancients, a polished orb of crystal that they called the Ultra Stone. They gave it to her as a gift, and fashioned for her a splendid crown of gold set with rubies and carved with roses. It was with this Rose Crown that Teressa Redding was crowned first Supreme of Mocnom.

The city expanded, even beyond its previous borders, and it was a city of shining wonder. The humans and ancients alike called the planet they populated Mocnom, and now they named this place Mocnom City, the capital of the world that the first Supreme would rule over. And they gave her the lands around the city, for hundreds of miles, as her personal domain. Many of the humans built new cities within this land, which they called Mocnom Province, and lived there under the direct rule of the benevolent Supreme Teressa Redding.

There were others who moved farther out. These humans established new cities, and claimed the land that was around them, building their own kingdoms and nations. They expanded and traded and thrived, but inevitably it was only a matter of time before they also conflicted with each other, and war broke out between the fledgling human nations.

Seeing that the wars might reduce their new society to ashes before it even began to grow, Teressa Redding made use of her power as Supreme. She sent emissaries to each of the rulers of the nations of the world, and summoned them all to the Marble Tower. From there, she addressed them as a group, in a speech that changed the course of what might otherwise have been a disaster for the world.

The rulers were told that their wars would be treated as internal conflicts between themselves so long as they wished. But she also reminded them that they all held their allegiance to her, and that at any time any ruler had the right to request mediation in any dispute. She would then hear the issues of the dispute the settle it peacefully, reminding them that any dispute thus concluded was considered over with and any further aggression could provoke other action on her part - not an empty threat, with the Supreme's own Mocnom Province the strongest nation in the world with the best trained army of highly equipped professional soldiers anywhere.

It was in this way that Teressa Redding was able to give her people the freedom to do as they wished without seeing the entire world collapse into war. The rulers unanimously agreed to do what she had decreed, and spoke as one to accept all of her proclamations given from this place where she had addressed them. It became known as Speaking Point, the place from which the Supreme addressed the world.

The policy was a successful one. Many rulers avoided conflict by asking for mediation before anything else. Others did war on one another, but eventually decided that there was no clear victor any appealed to her to settle the war. In some cases, wars were fought with the provision that if no victor was established after a certain time, they would go for mediation.

The world thrived, populations rose, and time went on. The Reddings married humans and their children were ancients no longer. It was a certain bit of interest that the child of a human and a Redding female would always be a daughter, and so it was decided that the Supremecy would be handed down from mother to firstborn daughter upon death or decree.

Generations went by, cities expanded, nations rose and fell, and empires were built and collapsed. Centuries of time passed, and still the world remained roughly the same, the Reddings in Mocnom City carefully curbing the human lust for power to prevent the kind of war that had destroyed their own civilization. So it continued for millennia.

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