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[ 30 Day Warranty ]

rusty aka geek box,   21/Apr/2000:17:01:40
ok, so i guess i'm suppose to sign this thing and say something
witty........hmm nothing yet....... ok well i'm not going to say
anything witty. i'll just say that you guys are good plain and simple,
keep it up (yea like 20375120958 people haven't said that already, i
think ya'll need some viagra , sounds like ya'll might be going limp lol
(j/k don't hurt me) hopefully i'll get to play point less with you guys
again sometime. maybe i won't suck by then.. oh yea and every one else
out there i have but one thing to say to all of you.....................
...."belieive 1/2 of what you see, none of what you hear"(tack-by
John Dr. Teeth and the Electrik Mayhem 20/Apr/2000:23:57:06
Yo, none of you know me, but I have talked to brad about setting up
shows together, I am in a ska/indie/punk band called Dr. Teeth and the
Electrik Mayhem, straight out of Roanoke, Va. We have played with bands
such as The Gadjits, Edna's Goldfish, My Superhero, Catch 22, and many
times with Richmond's own River City High and Saü. Dr. J rules!!! But
anyways, that's it for my self-promotion, what I really wanted to say
is that James and Mark from River City High don't wear underwear,
atleast that's what I'm told. But who does??? I know we don't, just
kidding. But don't get me wrong, there's nothin' wrong with that, River
City High are our homies, even though they are pretty hot at us right
now because our bass player wrote some shit on our homepage about 'em,
but I think it's all good now. Well, that's about it for my rambling
on...come check us out when we play with these crazy pop-punk kids. And
if you come and like us, you can always catch us this summer when we go
on our east coast tour.
Kathleen Kathleen's Homepage 16/Apr/2000:14:28:57
Hey, You guys page looks really cool I guess that does to Brad and you
guys sound great too!! Well, keep it up you guys are doing great! O yea
Brad do you work at the mall???? Well n e ways I hope to see you guys live
sometime much love Kathleen:)
JaMiE   09/Apr/2000:19:14:15
Hey Bitches! hehe I screwed up my other note so heres another one....
Of course u all r all a very cool band, U r ALL SO ------- DEDICATED
(its makes me sick hehe JK) Try to be good boys and dont use *the pass
system* too much 2 get outta practice hehe
DAVID~ Hey skank, ur cool i love annoying u w/ Drea and playin w/ ur
hair! =)
BJ~ hey JB, oops ur the fat one i forgot (hehe jk)ur funny talk 2 ya
BRAD~awww its Bradly!(drea got me sayin that!)Ur a really NICE guy and
i love talkin 2 u bout everything, and thanx 4 driving me places..if ya
want some ass call me hehehe i mean what r friends for!?
alyssa   06/Apr/2000:17:47:31
hey you guys seem really cool. you should come play in carlisle, pa
sometime, i want to her ya! river city high is one of my favorite
bands too, they are so awesome. (there are a lot of really awesome
bands from richmond huh). well i'd love to here from one of ya, and
let me know if you're ever gonna come play in carlisle!
Mary Eberly   04/Apr/2000:18:52:01
Very cool. Come play at my house by the pool again!
See ya!
Petey from Thrall Thrall page 24/Feb/2000:22:18:25
Alrighty, here's a pep message!

I SAY....

Come see 30 Day Warranty, Cephid, Peg Boys, and Thrall Friday night!
SrJohnnie   15/Feb/2000:17:40:46
Hey Everybody, Im the 2000th person to visit the website. Keep up the
Good Work Guys! Light the Fire Inside! And to all of those who are to
lazy to check the shows page for info on where 30 day is going to play
next, just remember "you wanna be where everyone knows your name"
mel   14/Feb/2000:17:00:00
guys just wanted to tell you a few things ive been hearing... first off
i heard this "theyre tape wasnt that bad... i really liked the first
song" also ive heard like little female freshman going "we have to go
(to twisters) because 30 day is gonna be there" "i just love 30 day
warranty" just thought u would wanna know this stuff! yea but u guys
have improved and u have much potential (sp?) GOOD LUCK! and happy v-
day 3 3
Big Brother 08/Feb/2000:19:42:35
Hey hey hey,

So yet again I have returned to sign the guestbook. So you guys keep
sneaking away from me! Having your show before I come back. Well
definetly summer time or its booty kicking time. Hehe. Oh and for those
people who have no clue who the hell Big Brother is: Im the Roadie's
older brother. Yep that guy who carries the equipment. But anyway, I
guess that's it! Keep rockin, and David its time you take someone home
tonight. That was my CD, ok Im saying too much shit. ENJOY MY WEB-
SITE ;-) Click on the link

Big Bro
Dave   04/Feb/2000:15:53:51
Hey, this is David, the bass player from Murphy Skids (formerly Murphys
Kids),long story. I saw a link to your guys site on so I
thought I'd check it out. Nice page. I enjoyed playin with ya'll at
Crestwood, maybe we'll have a show together sometime. Keep up the good
work. -david
mat emanuel nice home page 03/Feb/2000:22:23:26
hey this is mat from emanuel nice. send me a tape or something. we are
looking for a contact in your area for our tour this summer. email me
*Michelle*   03/Feb/2000:18:42:15
Hey I was just checkin you'll out, and I like your page alot. So are
you guys like kinda emo punk? I tried to hear your sound files but
they wouldn't work for some respon on my computer..oh well. Maybe
sometimes you'll will play in n.a. sometime. I would really like to
hear from one of you'll so if you get a chance write me back or
something. G/G-Michelle*
Timmy Burns Ska/Punk/Alternative/Hardcore in Manassas 31/Jan/2000:23:34:34
Hey guys, whats up. This is Timmy from the hummers.
we play shows in the Warrenton/DC/Manassas area. If you guys ever want
to hook up for a show, Email me
-Timmy-ThE hUmMeRs
Jessica   31/Jan/2000:21:58:39
Hey! I loved your show at Skate Nation Friday night...I froze my ass
off but it was worth it! :) I'm gonna try and get to your show next
month at Twisters, hopefully I'll be able to go. Well talk to ya's
later. Much love, Jessica
matt cephid page 30/Jan/2000:22:21:46
hey this is a cool page. i guess i will see you guys on feb 25th if not
before. i hope the show kicks ass, later -Matt
Niki   30/Jan/2000:12:48:43
i think yer pretty damn cool for coming this far and goin for yer
dream... hope to be there some day.... keep up the punkin !
Clintox   29/Jan/2000:00:58:54
Hey man, sorry i didnt get to see all of your set, but from what i
saw/heard..i must say its quite killer stuff!! keep up the good work,
Clintox   27/Jan/2000:23:49:29
Hey, guys lookin forward to see you all again. I wish you the best of
luck for Fri. see you guys there, later.
Critina Crits Crap 27/Jan/2000:21:26:47
Hey fella's. Just surfin' around and I stumbled upon your nifty little
site here. Kudos on a job well done...good luck in the future. Later
taters. *=-)
Hartzell Midlothians Picture Archive AKA YOURIGHT 25/Jan/2000:00:14:26
sup, yea umm ok, like yea, i'm going to go to your show, maybe or
something, on like friday this week, or you know, like that, and stuff,
and well, yea, will go, and like, if jessye isn't over, you know, cause
stuff like that, and well, thats it, you know, you right, and thats
about it, yea, so like, you know, visit my site, "YouRight" like the
link above, and do you think, like i can write HTML in your guestbook?
lets see

centerfont size="+7" color="#0000FF"a

i don't know if that will work, and if not i will look like a idiot, oh
well, what else is new, you right....

Ben Sims Thrall 24/Jan/2000:10:20:08
Hey, good luck with the show Friday! Cant wait to play with you guys at
twisters next month, keep on rocking.
SrJohnnie   20/Jan/2000:10:41:39
To all those who have bought the tape: I am Brian the roadie, you dont
know me, youve probably never even seen me. Just to set this straight
my full name is Brian Morgan. I go to all the 30 day shows and im
usually the one who carries all the shit around. And another thing, I
dont go to your school or hang out with you all the time. OK?? Well
Brad, are you playing at Alley Catz next month or not?? Light the Fire
Big Brother Jester Spot 19/Jan/2000:20:45:49
hey hey hey,

Whats up dudes, I like decided to finally write something on the
guestbook. I just put you guys on my bands list at my homepage I hope
you feel greatfull or im kickin some booty. You were the very first. So
like hopefully someday I actually get to see you guys play now that you
got way better and all, well thats what you said. Ummmmmmmmmm, I have
nothing else to say. Well peace from the big brother down south.

Emily   16/Jan/2000:12:56:21
hey you guys, i really love your music i haven't bought the tape yet but
i'm working out a plan to get it right now. i have had the pleasure of
talking to brad, and brian(the roadie) and i are good friends. i also
saw bj at a baseball game, at which time he was refered to as nirvana
shirt guy.when my friend told me that he worked up at food lion i began
to make weekly trips there (and still do) for stuff that i really didn't
need.*blush*. but n e ways i'll work out a plan to get your tape. but
tell me when you do another show i'll be sure to come.
Jessica   15/Jan/2000:19:21:55
Hey...I just wrote but I'll write again...your music isn't
kicks major ass! I know like 1 of the band members (hi Brad), and
Brian...the roadie (which is how I heard about the tape...yeah I did
buy it, really good, lots of talent) I remember BJ from a baseball
game in huh? Then he popped up at school the first
day...then Food Lion...I was beginning to think he was stalking me,
hehe. I have no idea who David is...anyways lemme know when you do a
show...I'll come! :)
Jessica   14/Jan/2000:19:44:12
Your music is awesome!
JoNN Hartzell Midlothians Picture Archive 12/Jan/2000:19:43:09
sup with yall? you played my party way back when, before you had any
cool gigs, ya know, like only 20 people showed at my house that night,
and most were just kids walking by and heard noice, that and a bunch of
cops saying you were disturbing the peace. heh, everybody come visit my
webpage, because guestbooks are the best way to get free
advertisement... umm, yea, thats about it, BJ is on my bowling team,
we're in first place, david is in my english class, die Mrs. Tucker,
and brad lives next to BJ and I use to crash his house alot after
school, and bug him for rides home from school, and thats about it, oh
yea, if krissie hendrick ever reads this, which somehow I doubt she
will, let it be known that I forever hate her, and could never love
someone that treated me so bad again, oh well, her loss, I LOVE JESSYE
PASSMORE, if jessye ever reads this, BABY I LOVE YOU, FOREVER SWEETY!!!

ok thats enough

Courtney Love   12/Jan/2000:14:40:28
Did you guys know there is a bootleg tape from your SkateNation show
Jerry S.T.M 30/Dec/1999:00:11:57
Hey dudes, this is Jerry from a band in Pikeville, KY. Our name is
S.T.M. (Sweaty Toothed Madman), taken from d.p.s. Anyway, you gotta
cool site and if you guys have time we are trying to find some shows to
play, so if anyone of you would mind signing our guestbook or e-mailing
us it would be cool to see what's up with Virginia. We play pop/punk
influenced basically by the Riverdales, MxPx, and the Huntingtons. But
we hate this area as far as playing places goes and would like to get
out of this area for some shows, let us know what's up. Later.
mel   25/Dec/1999:15:40:20
boyz i love ya... cant wait till u guys play again so i can.. uh see
you. yea okay by the way that hot roadie u guys have.. i want him =)
hehe sorry.. you guys are so cute out there i just love ya. david dont
forget u gotta help me for the next show! cya **i love u guys**
sarahhh   20/Dec/1999:20:56:13
heyyy ive seen you guys twice i think, yeah at crestwood and swift
creek middle. you guys r really good!! let me kno next time u play so
we kan pose for a pic in the girls bathroom again!! haha that was fun,
why wont it show up? maybe its just my gay computer, well anyways u
guys r kool! keep it up
Peter Sims Thrall 09/Dec/1999:20:28:24
Keep it up guys. It's good to see bands in the Midlothian area actually
earning their place instead of having other people buy it for them.
Keep the true band spirit alive.
Jessica   05/Dec/1999:14:55:51
hey guys! i saw you at the rink and thought that you were awesome...
brad, if you remember Hillary and i talked to you in the snack line,
but you probably don't remember. email me when you have a new date for
the show!
Johnnie Walker   28/Nov/1999:13:47:40
"light the fire inside!!"
Hillary   26/Nov/1999:02:44:25
Hey! I heard you guys play at my church(crestwood) and at the rink. I
think you guys are AWESOME! I talked to Brad at the rink after you guys
played(if you remember me--it was by the snack bar, but you probably
don't remember). Anyways, e-mail me and tell me when your next show is.
I'd love to come and hear you guys again! LATER!
gwen   24/Nov/1999:17:40:24
you guys were really good at skatenation on the 19th. i love the
bassist. when is your next show?
Doug Mother ------ M huh? 18/Nov/1999:22:19:21
hey kids rockin talent show. see you kids around. PUNK ------"ROCK!
JEROME 12/Nov/1999:22:52:16
me again   30/Oct/1999:04:12:15
yeah, and bloody drumsticks and fingers!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!! that was
david XDTNX 30/Oct/1999:03:50:57
hey how tha hell are ya'll doing? we played w/ ya'll tonight and i
was impressed w/ ya' guys are pretty good and i hear u havent
even been together long..we had a great time playing w/ know
what? i think the drummers house always gets ------ up!!! and their food
is always eaten..haha, we got kicked out of our own drummers house.haha,
yeah well spread the word about that that St. Ed's is gone
it looks like crestwood church will be the new southside club...later
Tanya no 21/Oct/1999:02:33:26
cool site...PUNK ROCK LIVES ON! ROCK! go band heh
stacey   21/Oct/1999:01:56:39
oh yea... i forgot to mention that brad, u ahve a really nice body and
i think that you should strip more at your shows!!... that was an
awesome party and you should play more. though my brother can subsitute
for BJ since he seems to be on my hate list unitl he TALKS TO ME..
(hint hint)
Sheena WeLcOmE tO tHe OtHeR SiDe oF tHe rAiNbOw 21/Oct/1999:01:52:31
Hii! I've seen you guys play 2 times. You were great both times. Keep
up the great work :) ok well i'm gonna go.. umm yea tata ~Sheena
stacey   21/Oct/1999:01:32:50
well, since a certain band member seems to have lost all contact with
me and i'm not importent anymore i didnt kno about this page until brad
imed me, which was cool thanks, and right now all i have to say is that
brad and david are the best members of the group and as long as a
certain 3rd party member doesnt feel like i'm cool enough to talk to
him anymore, its gonna stay that way. i am not happy with u dude, so
call me or i'll like go syco.
anyways. the band is great. and since i was the first official groupie,
with permission of the band, i can say that it was cool and i want to
go to your paractice again so call me and tell me when the next one
is.... thanks BRAD and DAVID... bye love stacey
Stacey   19/Oct/1999:21:33:46
Your site has been seen in Pennsylvania, keep up the hard work, sounds
as though you guys are dedicated to your music.
Cyndi Ruppert   05/Oct/1999:01:30:52
Bob Nagel suggested I check out the page. Hope to hear you guys play
Chillin'   02/Oct/1999:22:58:30
Is it true that Brad is leaving the band to play bass for Bankshot???
marty   28/Sep/1999:00:44:40
well brad i hope your fully recovered from the ice guys
played a cool(GAG) show. dont let anyone keep you guys down cuase
theres talent, and more will be built upon. anyway if that makes sense.
peace, martin
johnny blase   25/Sep/1999:06:16:50
man.. i don't know man.. you guys are just out of control.. you know
what i'm sayin dude? you ------' rock!
Jessie   25/Sep/1999:05:39:11
I just saw you guys play @ skatenation! you guys are awesome! much love
to ya!
kristen   24/Sep/1999:21:16:58
hey i like your page,it was worth all of that work.I gotta come see
a show sometime.i love ya~
jesse   17/Sep/1999:16:14:47
missed you guys at appomattox...this page kicks ass :
James James go to college 02/Sep/1999:05:14:18
This is the best ssite i have ever seen. This band rocks. Why can't
more band be this cool. One day i will have a band like that. You web
site is also awesome. ROCK ON DUDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bob   02/Sep/1999:05:13:28
kick a$$!
Demetria Rose   02/Sep/1999:05:10:00
TDW is da bomb. You guys are my favorite band! You rock!! and i totally
dig the songs you wrote. Brad: will you marry me?!!!
Ruby   02/Sep/1999:05:06:13
look! somebody signed! :) and i signed BiG, too! :) TDW rules!
Jessie Blue Water Groove 02/Sep/1999:05:01:10
You guys rock! and @#$% Mrs. Long, stinkin' ho cause dem songs you
wrote are good poetry. Damn the man and don't let her keep you down.
Keep your nose clean cause there's nothing worse han wasted talent. I
love yas and keep postin' them sexy pics ;)

Always a Fan,
Cookie, Punkin Love, lil' sis
or you may know as Jessie

to check out another awesome band, visit above
Jon Eberly   25/Aug/1999:04:38:09
Whats up? the page is so good. TDW is the coolest band, they rock. i
might make more comments another day. bye shout out to brad bj and
david, cool page and band, later

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