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Surviving the Holocaust

This site is dedicated to all who were victims of the Holocaust during WWII. Though many perished, those who were liberated share have shared their stories as first hand evidence that it did actually occur. For future generations these testimonies will serve to eliminate the possibility that the Holocaust will simply be forgotten as a dry, historical fact. It is my goal to share what I have learned as well as honor all who were victims, deceased as well as alive. I've tried compile information on different survivors, though I wish more could be added. In addition, I've also placed assignments from our class to show how the Holocaust has opened my eyes. If you have any questions or comments my Email address is at the bottom of this page. Thank you.

Survivor Stories

Cantor Leo Fettman

Elie Wiesel

Lucille Eichengreen

Primo Levi

Holocaust Survivor's Organization

The Holocaust Class:ART, ENG, REL, SOC 4504

Essay: "Modernity and Racism"

Response to the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C.



About the Author

Work Cited

Holocaust Related Sites

  • The Holocaust: Learning Site for Students
  • Forgotten Holocaust Survivors
  • Cybrary of the Holocaust
  • Dachau Memorial Page
  • Auschwitz Site
  • TBS Survivor Stories
  • Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust

  • Illustrated History of the Holocaust

  • Labor and the Holocaust
  • Holocaust Heros
