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Animalism [Gangrel, Nosferatu, Ravnos, Tzimisce.]

[1] * Feral Whispers: With eye contact, the vampire may communicate with an animal, and request favors, if the animal feels like listening.

[2] * * The Beckoning: By making an animal call, the vampire can summon animals of a particular species who can hear her call. However, she can only call one species at a time. A call can not be retracted.

[3] * * * Quell the Beast: The vampire may steal the Beast of an animal or mortal, pacifying it. Someone who has no Beast may not use or regain Willpower,and slowly becomes more and more apathetic and incapable of creative thought, until their Beast is returned. Tzimisce call this Cowing the Beast, for Nosferatu it is Song of Serenity, and Gangrel Quell the Beast.

[4] * * * * Subsume the Spirits: With eye contact, the vampire may possess an animal, but goes into something akin to torpor in so doing. This occasionally leads to the vampire retaining some instincts of the animal. The vampire can utilize some of his mental Disciplines, ie. Auspex, Presence, Dementation, Dominate, Chimerstry, Necromancy and Thaumaturgy. If the animal dies, the Kindred, the character's body falls into torpor.

[5] * * * * * Drawing out the Beast: The vampire may transfer her Beast to someone else, who will frenzy instead of her. If the victim leaves while in frenzy, the vampire's Beast will be left within the victim, and she may have to go to some lengths to regain it. In the meantime, she may not use or regain Willpower, is incapable of frenzy, and slowly becomes more and more apathetic and incapable of creative thought, until she regains her Beast. The victim is affected in the opposite way.

[6] * * * * * * Songs on the Dark: The vampire may summon something. Exactly what is summoned is up to the player. But the thing should be an impressive, monstrous, large beast that is neither known by humans nor recognized by modern taxonomy. [ Nosferatu ]

[6] * * * * * * Animal Succulence: Most vampires find animal blood flat and tasteless, with little nutrition. Some Gangrel however, have refined this technique to draw much more sustenance from animals than normal Kindred can. This doesn't allow a vampire to live solely on animal blood, but it allows him to go for extended periods without blood from Kine or Kindred. [ Gangrel ]

[6] * * * * * * Deep Song: Through the words of a song, a vampire may attempt to sway the passions of his audience. The effects of the Deep Song last for roughly one hour [real time], or in the case of a botch, the remainder of the night. [ Ravnos ]

[7] * * * * * * * Conquer the Beast: The vampire can both control her frenzies and enter them at will.

[8] * * * * * * * * Mass Summons: The vampire may summon all animals, or all animals of a specific kind, in a given area.

[9] * * * * * * * * * Flesh Bond: The vampire may take an animal into herself. She must give up an amount of her blood capacity equal to one fifth of the blood capacities of the animals she is storing. This part of her blood capacity may not be filled until the animal is released.
The vampire may enter an animal. She may still be detected by Auspex, which will show her aura as well as that of the animal. This power does not, by itself, grant any control over the animal.

[10] * * * * * * * * * * Army of Beasts: The vampire may control, and become one with, all animals in a given range. The larger the range, the more willpower needed.