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Clan name: Gangrel
Nickname: Outlanders
Alignment: Independant
Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean
Weakness: Gangrel become increasingly animal-like each time they frenzy. As Gangrels age, they increasingly resemble that which they truly are - the Beast. These features tend to negatively affect the character's social skills.

Discription: The Gangrel are wanderers, gypsies, rarely staying in one place for any length of time. In this, they differ greatly from most Kindred, who tend to find a haven and cling to it. There are no established leaders of the clan; on the whole, Gangrel are unconcerned with such things. They do not despise civilization or the society of other Kindred - they simply do not require it. They are known for their lack of concern when crossing the lands of the Lupines (werewolves), for it is said they have friends among the shapechangers. The Gangrel are themselves very capable shapeshifters, which may explain their ability to cross the wild areas unmolested. Because of this Protean Discipline, their features often resemble those of animals; some of the oldest Gangrel barely resemble humans anymore.