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Protean [Gangrel.]

[1] * Gleam of Red Eyes: You can see perfectly in normal darkness. Limited vision is possible even in total darkness. When this power is activated, your eyes glow an eerie red.

[2] * * Wolf Claws: You are able to grow an inch-long claw on each finger. These claws make excellent weapons in combat and can be used in attacks. Wounds caused by the claws are especially vicious, and should be considered aggrivated.

[3] * * * Earth Meld: One of the most prized powers that a vampire can possess, Earth Meld has saved the lives of countless vampires through the ages. This power enables you to make the earth a part of yourself and thus merge with it. Others viewing your use of Earth Meld will simply see you sink into the ground. You can only sink into earth. It is impossible to meld into earth through another substance.

[4] * * * * Shadow of the Beast: You may transform into either a wolf or a bat. When in the form of either creature, you benefit from all the obvious advantages, such as the increased senses of the wolf or the bat's ability to fly.

[5] * * * * * Mist Form: You possess the vampiric power of legend to transform into mist. Your very essence seems to slowly float apart when this power is employed. Many advantages are gained in mist form. You can float in any direction at walking speed, are not affected by physical attacks, and can slip through even the tiniest openings with ease. Clothing and weapons are affected as well.

[6] * * * * * * Flesh of Marble: The vampire's skin becomes hard as stone while losing none of its flexibility. It is nearly impossible to cut or stake the vampire without proper equipment or preparation.

[7] * * * * * * * Shape of the Beast's Wraith: Users of this power are often mistaken for Tzimisce in Horrid Form. A vampire using this shifts into a huge, monstrous from, gaining half her body size again and tripling her weight. Her overall shape flows into an unholy combination of her own form and that of the animal she feels closest to. The form will last until sunrise or she transforms back. Loses ability to communicate verbally.

[8] * * * * * * * * Purify the Impaled Beast: An elder with this power can expell foreign objects from her body with great force, even excising stakes that transfix her heart. The larger the object, the farther away it will be hurled.

[9] * * * * * * * * * Inward Focus: A Methuselah with this power can heighten the efficiency of her undead body's internal workings, withstanding inconceivable amounts of injury and moving with blinding speed and shattering strength. This power can be used with other Protean abilities.