Hey Everyone!!! My name is Carrie Ross. I live in Hopewell, Va and I'm 17 years old, I have brown hair and brown eyes, I'm about 5'5 and average...My Birthday is February 19 :) :).. I go to Hopewell High School(Home of the Blue Devils) I managed Varsity Baseball for my High School and managed Varsity Football!!
*Hey to Kristen, Meagan, Melissa, Shannon, Travis, Joel, Travis, Jeffery, Shannon, Caryn, Elliott, Jonathan, Delilah, Dani, Kiffy, Rob, Kyle, Trey, Eric, Lee, Lindsey, Sarah, Mh, Dan, Andrea, Ian, and everyone else at *HHS*
*Hey Brett, Ryan *Squmpy*, Tyson(I want that blanket), Brad, Tim, Blake, Dan, Brad, Derus, Steel, Josh, Patrick, Wes, Jeff, Stephen, and all my other *TD* guys*
*Hey to Michael, Craig, and Monica..I LOVE YALL SOO MUCH*
*Hey to Jason and Wesley..Love yall*
*I really don't have much to say.. Well my AOL screen name is Squirrl03 or AIM name is HHSFLIRT.. and my email address is Squirrl03@aol.com.. so instant message me or email me if you want... oh yeah and Sign my Guestbook So that I know what you think of my page ByeBye :)*
<~~~~I'm a HUGE Flirt ;)!!!
<~~~Story of my LIFE!!!!
<~~~~~~Sad but true!
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Email: squirrl03@aol.com