Jacen Silvermoon: ::Jacen sat in the large oak chair within his study. Lined with bookshelves, each case stuffed with books collected over the centuries the Silvermoon has lived within these walls, this room had once been the study of his father's. Now it was his. A fireplace crackled softly on the opposite wall as he leaned over the desk, his forehead in his hand, his eyes glued to papers that littered the top of the desk. A small oil lantern glowed on it's top as well. The large panned windows had the drapes pulled open, though it was late outside, and nothing but the darkness and shadows of the forest that lay to the east of the estate was seen outside. Jacen Silvermoon: With a soft, tired sigh, he pushed away from the desk, leaning back in his chair. He closed his eyes, his head tilting back as he let his eyes take a break from the strain of the reading he'd been involved in.::

Sephrenia Kharen: ::In those forests to the East of the mansion was a ghostly figure, somewhat like a wraith, pale robes fluttering in a none too gentle breeze, silvery, almost white hair following suit. The woman was tiny, perhaps 5' tall at most, and her limbs were spindly, making her look malnourished. Her features were gaunt, flawless, almost ethereal looking, skin pulled taut over high cheekbones, hollowed cheeks and dark shadows beneath her eyes. The hair made her seem old, but she could have been no more than twenty-five, and quite beautiful. She was clutching something beneath her tenuous arms, desperate to keep it safe it would seem, and on seeing the lamp light through the window, she staggered to the front of the mansion, hammering as loudly as she could with her tiny fist::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::His eyes snapping open instantly, he jumped up straight with a start. The banging on the front door sounded urgent. : Figures, he thought, the day I send the staff off to relax and give me some time alone, something has to come along.: Sighing softly, he pushed himself from the chair and strode from the room. As he walked, a small smile crossed his face and his mood lifted slightly. Perhaps that room and those papers had been bogging him down too much anyway.: Passing down the hall, his hurried strides echoing on the polished marble floor, he reached the front door s the banging continued:: Alright, alright! ::Gripping the handle to the massive oak door, he pulled it open, the lamp light from outside and from within lighting the porch. He cursed himself slightly for forgetting his sword. It had happened before. Though this woman looked to have no hostile intentions. Quirking a brow he looked at her curiously:: Yes dear? May I help you?

Sephrenia Kharen: ::She almost failed to notice that the door had been opened and was going to continue knocking, probably on his chest until she almost fell through the open doorway. She made a small sound, almost like a yelp before standing up straight, brushing strands of soaking silver hair from over her face as she squinted up at him, the light hurting her large amber eyes. These were the only bright think about her, giving away a hint of the indomitable spirit those that knew her saw regularly. Still holding onto that precious bundle, she offered him a meek smile:: Sorry to bother you…I was wondering if you'd mind letting me stop here for a little while until the weather calms itself. ::Her voice was eerie, almost two toned, one the voice of a woman, the other that of a child, the latter coming as an echo:: Jacen Silvermoon: ::His brow furrowed with concern and he instantly nodded, stepping aside and opening his home up to her:: Of course child, please, ::He gestured into the hall:: come in. ::He smiled warmly, politely. Quite adept at being the proper host, he gently asked:: Here, follow me. ::He patiently waited for her to enter in and follow and then led her to a large room, well furnished with a comfortable looking couch and chairs. An intricately carved coffeetable was centered within the chairs. He motioned for her to sit and slipped off through a door:: I'll be right back with some warm tea..

Sephrenia Kharen: ::She smiled gratefully, though there seemed to be a twinkle of merriment in those large golden hued eyes as she walked past him...something about him calling her "child" had obviously been the cause of some amusement, but then how could he know how old she was. She sat down in one of the chairs and attempted to neaten herself up a little, placing the book she carried down on her lap, wiping a few droplets of water of it's faded brown cover with her silken, ivory robes. It was an odd looking text, the title in a deep red, the cover with a somewhat crinkled texture…but that was what writing in blood on human skin looked like…:: Might I ask the name of my host? I'd like to thank him by name.

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Returning back with a tray with two empty teacups and a steaming teapot. Smiling, he sat down upon the couch across from her and set the tray on the table between them.:: I'm Jacen. Jacen Silvermoon. And I would like to thank my company for the much-needed distraction. You are...? ::Leaning in, he quickly poured them each a small cup of hot tea. Taking his own cup in both hands, he held it nursingly. Blowing lightly, the steam drifting up into the air, his jade eyes fixated on the curious woman.::

Sephrenia Kharen: ::She nodded her greeting, reaching for the cup and clasping it gently between spidery digits, letting it warm her soaked skin, not bothering to drink it at all:: I'm Sephrenia Kharen, and I really do apologize for turning up on your doorstep like that. It really is bad manners. ::She ran her hand through her hair, muttering a quiet incantation, and the few strands She had touched were suddenly dry, like strands of spider’s webs. She repeated the process casually until her whole head was completely dry and set her cup down again:: It's quite an estate you have here…all alone?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He watched her with fascination as she chanted what he assumed was a spell and her hair was soon dry. His eyes grew slightly wider as he watched. Knowing only a few minor healing spells to aid him in combat, all magic-users were held in high respect with him. The discipline they required was incredible. Save his eyes, he displayed no expression of awe whatsoever though. Sipping of the warm liquid, he nodded. Setting the cup down on the table, he leaned back into the comfort of the couch, his hands clasping together lightly. Well, I have the most loyal staff one could ever wish for. They've worked for my family for generations. Though it's hardly as though it's a chore. Their living conditions are quite nice, and they are more valued friends than employees. But yes, beside the small staff, I live here alone.

Sephrenia Kharen: I would dislike having people around all the time...I would find it very disturbing. Privacy is something I value highly. Mind you....I doubt anyone would work for me no matter what the wages were. ::She flashed him a mischievous smile, proving that the gaunt, weak look was very much appearance only. What had once been a vibrant young woman had merely been changed due to her work...and this very few people would approve of. She put the book on the floor at her feet, gazing around the room a little and then back at Jacen inquisitively:: You're human obviously...but something strikes me as odd about you...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He laughed politely at her humorous comments and nodded:: Yes well, they know when to come annoy me with various issues, and it's often not hard to tell when they should just keep their distance instead. ::He smiled and shrugged, moving onto the second part of her comments. His face puzzled a bit as he looked to her curiously, a small flicker of suspicion crossing his eyes:: Yes....I am a human, but what do you mean? Strike you as odd? ::His hands pressed together, palm to palm, fingers to fingers, as though he were praying, he brought his hands to his mouth and pressed them to his lips, hiding his suspicion behind his hand and a mask of genuine curiosity::

Sephrenia Kharen: :She smirked slightly, the expression tugging at the corners of her thin, pale lips as she reclined, seeming quite at home in her strange surroundings, then waved a hand dismissively at his question:: No reason...don't concern yourself with it. ::She laced her fingers together slowly, staring at him almost rudely, her head canted to one side, making her look a little like a bird listening to a sound that had caught its attention:: I don't suppose some of them might be...vampires would they? ::One narrow brow was raised slowly, questioningly, but she was fairly sure she knew what his answer would be already::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He cocked his head as well, not quite following her question, and not sure he was ready to yet drop her first comment:: Some of who might be vampires? My staff? ::His thoughts immediately fled to Nich. Nich who should be resting peacefully, asleep, in her coffin. This woman suddenly disturbed him. Perhaps she hinting at some horrible thing that had befallen his love. His mind reeled with the possibilities. If anything had happened to her...::

Sephrenia Kharen: ::She blinked for a moment, wondering what he meant...talking about staff, then grimaced. She'd done it again, speaking her thoughts aloud rather than keeping them to herself:: I'm sorry young one...I didn't mean vampiric staff. I would be highly surprised if a vampire would stoop so low as to do menial work. What I meant was, are any of your friends or associates vampires? ::She thought so far ahead these days she never thought about letting whomever she was conversing with keep up, she just blurted things out:: You see I'm looking for someone and she happens to be one. I've come rather a long way and I have no idea where to start looking.

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Forever protective of his one true love, he was willing to disclose much to this one without first learning her intentions. Interlocking his fingers, he placed his hands in his lap, his eyes boring holes into her:: Yes, I suppose you could say I have a friend who is of the kindred. I'm afraid I must pry where it may not seem it is of any concern of mine, but why do you search for her. ::He was uneasy to say the least, and again he found himself scolding his carelessness and leaving his longsword in the study. He pushed the thought aside though. This girl was small, and he felt confident if needed, he could overpower her quickly. Though he was still wary. Always wary, especially of magic users, he hoped no violence would ensue this night.::

Sephrenia Kharen: ::Those shining amber pools locked onto his for barely a moment...but it was long enough. She grinned trying to appear reassuring, though it was hard for such a strange looking little woman to appear anything but strange:: You have no need to worry...your...::She paused, trying to remember what she had seen in his head:: Nich...is perfectly safe. I bear no ill will towards her. ::She folded those svelte, fragile arms beneath her chest wondering if she would receive the usual reaction when she read minds. People really were far too protective of their thoughts:: I am looking for someone much older than your sweetheart. Even I am older than she is, she's close to being a fledgling compared to the one I seek.

Jacen Silvermoon: ::His eyes instantly snapped to narrow slits and he gripped his hands much tighter. He knew he hadn't spoken Nich's name, and yet she knew it. Something was not right here. Having to exercise an incredible amount of willpower to keep himself from shaking, he forced his next words out slow and clear.:: How...did you know her name? Who, no...what are you really? You have mentioned my sweetheart, so obviously you know more than you have suggested. I think it is time you explain yourself stranger..

Sephrenia Kharen: ::She gave a sigh, resting her hand upon her perfectly flat abdomen, though just how skeletally thin her body appeared was hidden by the billowing robes she wore. She let her gaze drop back to the rapidly cooling drink in the cup before her, voice a little whisper, the child-like aftertone more evident than it had been before:: I am what you would call a necromancer I expect. I communicate with the dead, and yet I have skills one would not associate with the trade as well. Telepathy...healing, summoning. But what do you expect of someone 500 years old? I would get bored doing the same thing everyday. ::She made a brief gesture with her hand, and the cup flew to it lazily, the liquid staying perfectly still, almost as if it were a solid. She peered over the rim at him as a she took a few small sips. Sephrenia rarely drank...never ate::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He nodded slowly, mulling slowly over her words:: I see...well, if it is not Nich that you seek, perhaps it is another of my allies? In which case, I must press your further. Who do you seek and why? ::Still unsure of this character, he was not yet ready to let his guard drop. She was proving more and more intriguing as the seconds passed however::

Sephrenia Kharen: She sent for me...well, requested my assistance actually, in a lofty, "you'd better or else there'll be trouble type manner. ::Sephrenia wrinkled up her nose, obviously none too happy about being threatened and waved the cup away. What she had drunk in those few sips would keep her going for another week or so...:: A Miss Romanus....old creature with a rather arrogant nature. She really is rather difficult to find, though I doubt she's managed to stay hidden around here. It really is an odd little realm.

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Unable to keep it in check, he laughed at the mention of Akasha. Shaking his head in amusement, a very vivid image of the woman appeared in his mind. He nodded to Sephrenia:: Yes, yes. I know who you are looking for, though not too well. We've spoken on a few occasions. As a matter of fact...now that I think about it...last I saw her, in the local bar...she seemed most disturbed about some information she had discovered. Perhaps it is along with what you are sought out for. Would you have any idea what she may have been studying? She appeared most distraught after the information was clear to her. Anything that distresses Akasha is a danger indeed... ::he frowned slightly, trying to recall all he could of the night:: They were scrolls I believe. Mainly anyway, she had a book though as well. ::he glanced up to her, his eyes concerned:: Sephrenia, is some danger befallen this realm? ::His lips spread into a small thin smile and he nodded:: And yes, this realm is an odd one indeed...::another chuckle escaped him at this comment.::

Sephrenia Kharen: Akasha has indeed made a rather disturbing discovery. Though it concerns no one but herself. Akasha you see was not born like most vampires...not bitten by another of her kind. She was the first of her breed, made when a demon she had summoned...using those scrolls you saw her with, became ensnared within her dying body. ::She frowned a little at the talk of demons. The little woman had had many an unpleasant encounter with them...but never with a blood demon like the one that had caused Akasha's transformation:: She has never been very stable that girl...suicide has always been an option, a last escape route. The scrolls told her differently. She will be far from "at peace" as you mortals call it, after her body has been destroyed. ::The adult sound in her voice was more pronounced now, though the volume and pitch seemed to dip and rise without warning....indeed it annoyed even Sephrenia::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He shared no love for the demonic kinds either. Currently possessed by one, he despised their kind highly, and the talk of one made his blood boil. A small tremor shook his body suddenly, and he jerked sharply in his seat, almost as though something unseen had just yanked at him. It had been uncontrollable, almost as though the wicked Jinn that lay within him knew his thoughts and wanted to toy with his "pet" a bit more, forcing him to do things Jacen had no control over. Composing himself once more, he cleared his throat and tried to appear calm once more. Nodding slowly he took the news in his mind and weighed it out carefully:: I see...then it would appear Akasha is in danger indeed and could greatly use your help. Yes, I know her, though it has been many days since I've seen her. Her normal seat in the bar she prefers to occupy has gone quite cold. I fear perhaps she is already forced to face this danger.. ::He frowned at this, his hands clenching separate fists, he was a loyal and caring friend, always one to want those he considered friends in their times of need. Akasha was one of these few, whether she knew it or not.

Sephrenia Kharen: ::Sephrenia was an observant woman, and she didn't fail to notice his rather odd reaction. Sitting up, she leaned forwards, bony elbows resting atop her nobbly knees, her brow furrowed as she watched him carefully. Supernatural problems always interested her and she was certainly curious now:: Yes...She is rather hard to miss when she is present and therefore missed when she goes on these trips. It's a pity she hasn't returned yet...it will mean waiting in that damn Palazzo of hers with only Koji for company. ::She smoothed a few creases out of her robes, pedantic, like Akasha was but not to such extremes:: Jacen....does something ail you...or am I picking up on things that aren't really there?

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He quickly looked away and shook his head:: I am fine. It is nothing, just a little shaken I guess. It is nothing though.. ::he trailed off, choking on the words, knowing he sounded nothing more than a horrible lie. He sighed softly and his head dropped so that his chin rested on his chest::

Sephrenia Kharen: ::She shook her head disapprovingly, making little "tsk" type noises and left her chair to kneel down next to him on the floor. It would do him no good lying to a psychic, and her hand snapped out to press against his forehead, glowing a faint green around her nails in a mist like substance:: Lying is no good for the heart. Guilt always follows a lie. Ask Miss Romanus when she returns she will gladly lecture you on it. ::She muttered something quietly about Akasha always lecturing as she began to probe around his head a little, her face contorted in concentration::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He snapped his head back up and rose to his feet quickly:: No. Do not. That is not a request. You have no right to probe where you do not belong. Not with this person. Not with me. ::He stalked away from her, his face a mask of fury. He walked to the window and leaned against it's glass, watching the storm raging outside, his own insides feeling very similar at the moment. He sighed and closed his eyes, resting his forehead on the cold glass, forcing himself to relax.:: I--I'm sorry...it's just....::he took a breath and then exhaled it:: I am currently under the influence of something very strong..

Sephrenia Kharen: ::She didn't seem surprised by his actions...this was the way most felt about having their minds probed. It was only the very innocent or the very foolish that would let a total stranger play with their thoughts. She rested her elbow on his seat, staring at his back as he faced the window, her lips pursed in a tight line as she considered his words:: Jacen I think I can safely say that I have bothered you enough this eve. I have no wish to cause an outburst or entice whatever it is that lives within you into anger. I appreciate your hospitality...perhaps I shall see you again. ::And with that, the woman vanished utterly, not a trace of her having ever been there, the book gone with her, not a stray drop of water left on her seat, and even the cup she had used empty, clean and back on the tray he had brought it in on.::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::He turned to object to her comment, and as he did so, he faced nothing but an empty room. His eyes wide with surprise for but a moment, he shook his head slowly and walked to carry the tray back into the kitchen, muttering:: Magic-users...