Cataclysmic Hate: ::He steps out into the open, his dark cloak draped snugly around his body. A look of sheer perplexion befell his face, as he seemed to be alone. His emerald eyes shined brightly for a moment, as if in some sort of anticipation.::

UbiquitousHatred: ::Deacon waited, leaning against the tree, his long almond colored hair was tied back into a pony tail, although he could help it none, crimson and black bolts rolled down Deacon's chest and all across his back, slightly burning the tree that he leaned on. Normally, his eyes were almond brown as his hair, but no more, now they glowed furiously just as his body::

Cataclysmic Hate: ::Seeing Deacon he walked over to him swiftly. He grinned realizing that some day he to would have power much like Deacon's. His thin pink lips parted, as he spoke forth.:: Tell me...why is it that we are here?

Consuming Rage: ::His form materializing from the mist as he approached the other two, his thin frame was covered fully by a heavy black robe. The cowl pulled low over his head, his face obscured in such deep shadows it was impossible to see beneath, he strode with steady confidence to their sides.:: Consuming Rage: ::The newest amongst their ranks, he nodded to each in turn, his voice coming from beneath the folds softly, and in a low tone:: Hail my brothers...

UbiquitousHatred: ;;intense energy pulsed from his eyes, tiny bolts seemed to jump out to anything he stared at. He soon realized that Duran was standing near him, and he smiled grimly, softly responding to his question:: Well Duran, the one thing we need to do here, is train you in the use of the soul cross, I'm presenting you with one of your own...::as he spoke, he reached inside the pocket of his crimson shirt, pulling out what looked to be a regular gold cross, on a matching necklace, but deep within, the cross concealed much power, just as Deacon's did:: This is your cross Duran, it reacts strongly to mind, I think it could be the runic power inside...::He pressed the bottom's of the crosses together, and instantly, a loud crackling of thunder can be heard in the sky above, massive bolts of energy rained down from the heavens:: See what I mean? ::he reacted to the bolts in a calm manner, pulling the crosses apart, and handing Duran his own:: Put it about your neck, and wear it proudly....::his attention turned to the newest hunter, appearing in the forest as he was summoned:: It's good to see you hunter of the new breed, I really don't know your name sire, so please, state your name before we go any further....::he nodded to him in a slight welcome::

Cataclysmic Hate: ::A look of awe came over him, as he watched the demonstration of the powerful crosses before him. His slender hand grasped around the necklace, as he slid it down around his neck, letting it rest softly there. He felt the awesome power of this artifact that sat upon his neck through every inch of his body. He grinned definitely liking the rush of power...:: Thank you. ::He nodded back in affirmation. The gold chained necklace sparkling slightly across his neck. :: I will do so. Thank you.

Consuming Rage: ::His voice was thin, nothing more than a raspy whisper:: I, Deacon and Duran, am Diablo. ::His hands clasped together, hidden within the long sleeves of the heavy robe, they were held in front of his stomach, his appearance being that of a hooded monk almost, mysterious and unknown::

Cataclysmic Hate: ::His head swiveled slightly to the side, looking at this man, this Diablo.:: Well met, Diablo. I am Duran Kagemusha, but you obviously knew that...

Consuming Rage: ::The cowl over his head remaining unmoving, he made no movements that would suggest turning his attention to the man who now spoke to him:: Well met Duran Kagemusha..

UbiquitousHatred: You must remove the victim's head before you can actually steal the soul, recite it first, so that the magic can begin, and it will end faster. The power of a soul being added to your power, is almost too much for you to handle, so be careful, it may very well be too much, and you could explode from the power of the being. That is why, when I battle that Nightshade fellow, I will not absorb his soul, because I am not sure of his power, I will determine whether I will or not when I battle him. His power is nothing compared to my own as of right now I am sure, but one more soul, and he will definitely be out of his league. ::he turned his head to the one known as Diablo, the creepiest hunter yet, such mystery was about this man. Deacon liked that about him, and knew that he was the right man for the job:: Hello Diablo, the name's Deacon, that's all you will find out about me, because even I, know only my first name. A thousand apologies, but there's nothing I can do my friend. ::with that said, he reached two fingers into his crimson shirt pocket, pulling out yet another gold cross on a golden necklace, slowly extending his hand to Diablo:: This belongs to you sire, I trust you heard what I said to Duran, so take that to heart, and everything will be fine.

Cataclysmic Hate: ::He nodded once more to Deacon, his mind set completely engulfed upon this fight tomorrow. He truly did have a wicked lust for power. He thumbed the hilt of his blade, he seemed to be very enthusiastic to try out his cross. He wanted to feel the rush of power that appeared over Deacon ever time he had taken a soul...:: I shall remember that....I will be careful about taking the souls...

Consuming Rage: ::Reaching out of the folds with one slender hand, he grasped the chain and took the cross from the other's grasp. The cross dangling down at the end of the chain, it rotated slowly, sparkling slightly as the moonlight hit it. Withdrawing his hand, cross and all, back within the folds of his sleeve, a small rustle could be seen as he nodded:: The forewarnings have been noted, yes. ::When he spoke, his voice was low and soft, hardly ever raising over that of a harsh whisper, and a confidence could faintly be detected within his voice that would unnerve even the most arrogant of people::

UbiquitousHatred: ::he nodded to Diablo and Duran slightly:: You two are dismissed, unless you have any further questions....::he turned his head to Duran, and then to Diablo, checking if in fact, they did have any questions.::

Cataclysmic Hate: No...I will be off now…

UbiquitousHatred: Oh yes....

UbiquitousHatred: before you leave Duran...

UbiquitousHatred: ::he reached behind him, pulling out twin blades, identical to each other. They were high council issued long swords, just like Deacon's, enchanted with the True Magic of The Council:: these are for you two...

Cataclysmic Hate: ::He grasped at the hilt of the long sword, pulling it quickly into his cloak...:: Thank you again..:: With that, he left::

Consuming Rage: ::Reaching out once more, the cross still in his hand, he took the sword. Wrapping the thin chain of the cross around the hilt of the sword, the cross dangled from it's hilt and he held it, tip touching the ground, with both of his hands on the hilt::

Consuming Rage: ::Uttering a single syllable, he disappeared in a blink, no trace of him at all::