Tormented Dauthi: ::There was a low, dark cloud that hung over Watchman Palace. The kingdom that once was great and powerful, had been left unkept for far too long. Dauthi sat atop the statue of the fallen angel Lu had chosen as guardian of the huge iron doors. This Dauthi was not the Dau of old, the one that had battled beside friends and family, the girl that had taken such pride in all Watchman stood for. This was the dark assassin, the Dauthi of mortal days. The girl who killed babies for money, and the pleasure of death. Her sleek black cat suit blended into the night, her flawless pallid complexion, her wild platinum streaked tresses, and her soft silvery down covered wing announced her presence. Lu, had once again disappeared, after the concoction she injected him with, he might well be dead, she was unsure, but as she looked about, surveying their land, it became clear to her. It was up to her to do something, the pansy ass goodie goodies, must be driven out, and a new dark era to prevail::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::The gray sky was blotted with dark, rolling storm clouds. A black hooded cloak pulled around his frame, Jacen hurried down the near empty street. A storm could break at any moment, of course just when he had opted to head out for a walk. His jade eyes glancing out from the sides of the hood, he noticed his hurrying had brought him to a rather old part of town, an area he had not visited for some time. Once one of the strongest families, The Watchmen, had lived down this way, but like most great things, their era had seemed to pass, and now, the family was all but gone. Every tree, every path soon began to become familiar to him once more, as if he was walking backwards in time. The palace loomed over him, a massive monolith. A structure rooted in the past, unchanging and solid, despite all that had transpired around it. Sighing, craning his neck as he tried to gaze to it's top, Jacen strode up the walkway, pausing at the steps leading to it's massive doors. Ominous thunder boomed in the nearby mountains, Jacen Silvermoon: as Jacen slowly pulled the hood back, revealing his face to the world as he gazed on the palace.:: It's been a while.....

Akasha Romanus: ::Akasha had chosen to come via different means than the norm, not bothering to expend her own precious reserves of energy, which as always were somewhat dwindled due to her constant battling. Tonight she rode upon her skittish stallion, a silvery little thing that suited her in it's gangly stature, looking more coltish than a full grown adult. Despite the unlovely weather, there seemed to be an unnatural light which clung to both horse and rider, a nacreous gleam upon skin and hair. Akasha had not received word from Lu as she had news of her precious sister, and for a creature as impatient as this ancient, waiting around was not an option. Despite the speed at which they moved, traveling directly from Akasha's palazzo to the Watchman Palace, their every movement was aphonous, a freakish stillness permeating through the air around them as if they were a pair of eidolons rather than beings of flesh...this was how she liked it, to travel like wraiths. Adorned in a heavy cloak, so shadowed that the hood seemed to hold no tenant, she rode recklessly, like a being possessed, intent on discovering the outcome of their last meeting, the pain of it fresh in her mind::

Tormented Dauthi: ::Her eyes mismatched, shifted down to the man below, at first there was not a hint of recognition in them, for the Dauthi that sat here, perched upon the stone angel, had never know Jacen. It didn't take Dauthi long, searching through the memories that were hers, but not hers all the same. Her voice was soft, childlike, yet cool: Ahhh, Jacen hello dear, it's been so long since you have visited, I'm so very pleased to see you. ::Proffering her a warm smile, her mind worked formulating a plan. This was a bonus, the pure hearted Jacen would fall as well, right alongside Lu, and Akasha:: Akasha! Well I'm twice blessed! ::how easily she slipped into the role of her pleasant self:: God sis I missed you.. Are...::her voice trailed off, timidly:: Are you alright? ::she looked truly ashamed for what she had done, all the while her mind scheming::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Thinking he was alone, he was surprised when another voice broke through the air. His eyes quickly darting about, he half turned, gazing around the front yard some, before finally spotting a the owner of the voice balanced quite easily upon a statue. Eyes widened in a slight glimmer of surprise, he quickly covered it with a thin, pleased smile. Opening his mouth to respond, he was abruptly cut off as Dau acknowledged yet another addition to the party. Twirling back to face the way he had come, his gaze fell upon Akasha, seated upon her steed. Still smiling, he nodded a curt hello.:: Greetings, Akasha, ::turning once more, he looked up to Dauthi once more.:: and greetings to you as well, Dauthi. It's been so long since I've seen either of you. This is most unexpected. ::Though his visage and posture suggested one quite comfortably among friends, Jacen inwardly frowned. Something just not sit right with the veteran warrior.::

Akasha Romanus: ::Akasha reigned her horse in sharply, its body angling to such a degree that at one point it seemed certain that it would topple over backwards. Akasha's horsemanship however was incomparable, and by some miracle she remained seated, the horse upright. Her eyes were virescent pinpoints of light in the depths of her hood, a startling green, that was disturbingly intense, and even from the distance at which she had come to a halt, some hundred yards away, it was obvious her gaze was locked upon her sister. Armour ring clad fingers were slowly brought up to swipe back the hood concealing that exquisite, yet tragically emotionless face, and despite the first few droplets of rain which were beginning to fall, not once did she blink. Until Jacen spoke, she had not realized he was before her, had in fact been ignorant of his presence, and all she managed in way of greeting was a faint inclination of her head. Her meetings with him had been few and far between, and though she trusted him to a certain degree, she did not know him anywhere near well enough to feel comfortable...particularly as she was wary of her sister's condition. To Dauthi she remained mute, and though her lips were set in a grim line, her jaw tensed so that she might seem hardened towards her, her eyes betrayed her sorrow...she could not trust her sister anymore, not until she was shown conclusive evidence that her change was genuine::

Tormented Dauthi: ::Dauthi launched into the air her wings, one bat one angelic, catching her in mid-air, helping her to glide, with the greatest of ease, silently to the ground, Extending her pale dainty hand to Jacen, her smile as if the old Dau had never even left.:: I was thinking, seems a good night for it. The children just went to bed.. :she motioned up to the tower where they slept quite soundly in there rooms, before turning her attention back to her sister:: I know, there is nothing I can say, or do.. Nothing that will ever make it up to you ...::she squeezed out a few bloody tears on command: I don't know where to begin, and if you leave here, and choose never to come back.. I will understand...Name what you wish of me.. I will beg borrow or steal to regain your trust...

Jacen Silvermoon: ::A little more light revealed on the matter, Jacen's misgivings made a little more sense now. His sixth sense had kicked in, causing his stomach to knot some, his palms to sweat, and his heart to beat faster. He had felt as if something was wrong, because to feel such signs when in the presence of friends or allies, Jacen became confused. His eyes did not betray him, so logic told him not to be alarmed, but his instinct urgently told him otherwise. Now, noticing the obvious tension in the air between the sisters, other options slowly unraveled to him. Perhaps all was not as it seemed. Deciding it'd be best to silently observe, he took a small step back from the two, watching the event unfold, and waiting for a more proper time to speak.::

Akasha Romanus: ::Akasha restrained the instinctual narrowing of her eyes, for despite being naturally cautious after having been tricked, there would always be a fragment of hope remaining that prevented her from turning completely against her sister...What if this really was her? She cast the thought from her head immediately. She would not be fooled again, she was no naive fact had the situation been less serious she would have no doubt amused herself with the thought that she had never been naive...always the pessimist. Dismounting smoothly, maintaining her calm, even as she watched the bloody tears streak her sister's face, she strode towards Dauthi and Jacen, discarding the silken cloak as if it were a mere rag rather than an expensive garment, elegant as always in the classically simple style of evening gown she so favoured over normal clothes:: said the children were asleep? ::preferring to give no greeting at all, she paused, several feet away from both, and not once did she look at Jacen, keeping all her would seem...directed at Dauthi. This was not quite the case however. Speaking directly to a human's mind and being able to read their thoughts in response was one of the simplest vampiric tricks, and it would certainly come in useful now..."Jacen my dear...respond if you can hear me, but don't react in any other way to my voice than by thought...I don't ant my sister to know we are conversing." ::

Dauthi Watchman: ::Dauthi nodded to Kasha, smiling warmly, as she turned to the huge iron door giving it a shove:: Yes, they are tuck in safe and sound in the tower, in their rooms..I'm so glad both are unharmed...Had I...::her voice dripped with shame, and remorse, that of a mother who regretted the harm inflicted upon her child:: Had Lu been hurt, because of me...::Dauthis vampiric abilities still fully intact she heard Kasha's word to Jacen. She did not however react in the least, but waited patiently, wondering what her sister had planned::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::The seemingly infinite capabilities of magic never ceased to amaze Jacen. Though fortunately remaining calm and observant, he had nearly jumped when he heard Akasha's voice echoing in his own mind, as if she were whispering in his ear. Blinking, quickly trying to recover his wits, he thought "Yes, I hear you, but what's going on? I'm lost... Something doesn't seem right here.." Unsure if she would "hear" his thoughts, Jacen shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he turned, following Dauthi's movement's with his eyes as she entered into the palace. The image of her standing in the doorway seemed eerily unnatural. Her black full body cat suit made her seem as nothing more than a shadowy wraith, beckoning her victims to enter into it's domain. His skin tingled, as if tiny spiders scurried over his arms and down his back, with the idea of crossing over that threshold. Turning his neck to look to Akasha questioningly, he remained where he stood.::

Akasha Romanus: ::Akasha held back the restless energy which was making her dead limbs feel the need to twitch, as if nerves destroyed centuries ago were fighting to work once more, and smiled coolly, entering the palace behind Dauthi. Though she had visited her sister here many times before, she no longer felt safe within its walls...her sister's corrupted soul had changed the very nature of the building itself, if such a thing was possible, and Akasha would have left automatically had there been no reason for her presence:: Well there is no need to worry my harm has been done...::She avoided meeting her sister's gaze from this point on, using her time wisely to study the building, drink in every little detail she could. She wanted to know exactly where every possible route of escape was. She felt the gentle brush of her sister's mind invading her thoughts automatically, cursing the fact that she had failed to erect her minds defenses at such an important time...she would have to come up with another plan. She turned slowly, as if simply looking around at the room in which they stood, but as soon as her back was towards her sister, she took the opportunity to mouth a few simple words at Jacen..."Get to the children..."::

Jacen Silvermoon: Yes, it's been some time indeed. A year, easily... ::His demeanor still casual, that of one care-free, he was the last to step inside the huge room. His jade eyes scanning the room, he slowly became reacquainted with the palace once more. A vivid memory of the first time he had ever been here popped into his mind, and he quickly shook it away. Now was not the time to reflect on friends lost. Leaving the thunderous, howling winds behind, he glanced around the hushed hall. Taking note of the stairs leading up to the rooms, he muttered a curse to himself. He had never been upstairs before. Finding the children would be a more difficult task for him than Akasha probably realized. Turning his attention once more to the two women before him, he casually walked closer towards the throne, but also nearer to the stairs.:: It's been ages since I saw Lu last. That reminds me, I have a message for him....I hope he returns soon.

Dauthi Watchman: ::It started slowly, almost unnoticeably, she shook her head, her black and platinum curls shrouding her face as was often the case for Dauthi. Looking up her two-toned eyes met Kasha's a snarl curling her lips:: You HAD to be the meddlesome little BITCH DIDN'T YOU!?!?! Why can you not just go away!? ::she launched up out of the chair and straight for Kasha her thin fingers wrapping about her throat:: This time I will kill you, make no mistake...You will suffer such agony, my torture of you before will look like a FUCKING PICNIC!!

Akasha Romanus: ::So it had finally begun...a little earlier than she had expected no doubt, but Akasha had still found the time to move her slender form ahead of Jacen, closer to Dauthi in case such an occurrence happened:: Well you didn't think I was going to simply pretend everything was all right did you my dear? I don't care how much you know of my sister's mind.. I cannot be fooled by you...::Even as Dauthi's fingers sought out her throat, Akasha's hands snapped up, knocking them away sharply before fastening onto her narrow wrists in a vice-grip:: Jacen...head towards the main tower...she'll have the children up there...::Akasha's tone exude nothing but calm, and she amazed herself for despite all that nervous energy she had been repressing, now she felt in perfect control::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Watching the two sisters grapple with each other, Jacen was torn. Though he did not doubt she could handle herself, Akasha may need his aide. This being possessed within Dauthi was surely formidable, and it may take them both to subdue her, but Akasha's orders were clear. Find the children and get them out of here. Though his body screamed with every step for him to go back, he raced up the stairs, bounding up them three, even four at a time. He had to trust in Akasha with this one. She knew what was going on better than he. Though he wanted to be by her side and fight, this might be the best way to help. Rushing through the halls, he made his way to the tower and the said rooms.::

Dauthi Watchman: ::Dauthi twisted quickly, slipping through Kasha's grasp, slipping past her. Her wings ruffled trailing behind her as a sort of shield. Softly she began to chant, and blue sphere forming in her palm, crackling with electricity. Smirking she tossed it hitting the staircase directly in front of Jacen, crumbling it to dust, stopping his ascension:: I think not my dear...::she turned back to Kasha, her blue orbs glowing brightly:: Awww, now why didja wanna do that? ::as she spoke flames crept up the walls of the tower toward the sleeping Watchman heirs::

Akasha Romanus: ::Akasha smirked faintly at Dauthi as she turned back to face her, the rubble still settling upon the floor at the base of the stairs even as she walked slowly, purposefully, arms gently pendulous at her sides, after her:: You didn't think I was simply going to let you do as you wished did you sister dear? You should know that I am not the co-operative type by now. I want my sister back. This very minute. ::Her jaw set firm, an ominous rumble could be heard in her chest as she growled softly, a forewarning that she would not put up with anything any longer. If Dauthi attacked, she would attack back just as fiercely, even if it did jeopardize her sister's existence. At least it would save the children, and who knew, it may knock some sense into her as well:: Leave Jacen alone and face me you coward...I know you were an assassin and proud of your skills, but trust me you are nothing in comparison to me. ::Her self-confident smile was enough to prove that she believed every word she spoke::

Dauthi Watchman: ::Dauthi leaned forward and spat in Kasha's all to smug face, a smirk playing upon her full lips:: Dear sister do not pretend that you can take me..You know you can't..::she raked her longer taloned hand over Kasha’s cheek, viciously:: You have never been any match for me dear..::above Dauthi's taunting voice a blood curdling scream arose. It's origin the tower, it's source young Lu Watchman. It was a scream of sheer terror. For a moment Dauthi froze, her face twitching, then once again she lunged for Akasha, attempting to grab her slender neck, and choke the very life from her small frame::

Akasha Romanus: ::Akasha smirked as the spittle hit her square on the cheek, but it slid from her flawless ivory skin like water off a ducks down, leaving not the faintest trace:: You keep deluding yourself into thinking that my dear...::Akasha gave a mirthful laugh, lurching backwards once as Dauthi tried to rake her cheek, and then again as she lunged for her neck. It was simple enough to cause her to miss by simply outdistancing her. Even the scream from above could not distract her, and she simply prayed that Jacen would find another way of reaching the children trapped in the tower. Twisting on the spot so that she ended up parallel with her sister's side, she brought her knee up sharply, a blow that if it connected, would land directly in her stomach:: An unwise move my dear...never rush in...every beginner knows that...

Dauthi Watchman: ::Dauthi twisted, Kasha's knee sweeping past her svelte body, she turned her eyes full of rage, her only thought crushing her opponent when amongst the flames atop the grand staircase a cherubic winged form appear. It was Cheyenne Watchman the youngest of the Watchman family just having learned to walk. She stood in terror amongst the flames and wailed like a banshee at the top of her lungs. Dauthi froze, her dark eye twitching, then slowly drifting shut, her light ice blue eye affixed upon the child, her child. From deep within her chest a guttural growl built, until it resonated throughout the room. All at once Dauthi's movement returned, and without a thought, she threw her sister aside, launching herself into the air, headed for young Cheyenne. Her lips parted, and light angelic strains filled the air. The voice of her Mother, a voice she had not heard in some time::'s alright...Momma's co...::she gasped midsentence, thrown back by some invisible force. Suddenly Dauthi Watchman, was spiraling downward to the marble floor beneath::

Akasha Romanus: ::Akasha span as she heard Cheyenne wail, and confused, she saw Dauthi react, not as she had expected she would, but it wasn't something she was going to complain about. Unsure of what to

do, she stood still, and when Dauthi threw her aside, she did very little to resist her. She knew that it could be possible her sister was flying towards the child with murderous intent, but for some reason, she had the gut feeling that it was otherwise. Managing to keep her balance, she jolted roughly into a large chair, only just saving herself from a rough landing upon the marble floor. Straightening up abruptly, she moved forwards once more, hanging back as she watched with a good deal of relief as what seemed to be her sister, her real sister, made an appearance. Her happiness was short lived as she saw, with a good deal of shock, her sister thrown backwards, and acting automatically, as if the reaction were utterly natural, she flew upwards to catch her sister mid-fall, wings slicing through the flesh of her back and sending a fair spattering of blood onto the floor::

Dauthi Watchman: ::Just as she approached Akasha her limp form went rigid, with a burst of energy she struggled against the invisible force the pushed against her. The tiny Vampiress shook as Dauthi, the mother fought to save her child from herself. A side of her she had for ions suppressed. She had forgotten how formidable she had been as an assassin, how strong her mind and body had been. As an immortal never had she fought an opponent so worthy as her own mortal form, She was cunning and deadly, but there was one thing she lacked the adrenaline of a mother protecting her child. Her mismatched orbs locked upon her daughter with great intensity, sweat beaded upon her pale brow, and slowly, each inch a great physical strain, she flew toward her daughter, a facade of a smile plastered upon her lips, to offer her daughter some comfort::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Groaning as his eyes slowly opened, Jacen found himself momentarily disoriented. The world seemed to be spinning all around him, as he stared up at the ceiling. An intense throbbing on the back of his head quickly cleared the cobwebs. He began to remember the last instants before being knocked unconscious. Dauthi hurling the ball of energy directly before him, causing the stairs to collapse all around him. His quick thinking and adrenaline pumped instincts had barely saved him from being crushed beneath their weight, but as it was, he must have been knocked out for a few minutes. Lying rather uncomfortably on his back, he winced as he turned at the neck, looking out into the open space in the vaulted chamber. There, he saw the current scene unfold. Dauthi appeared to be struggling with some sort of inner turmoil, thus unable to prevent her spiraling descent, while Akasha raced to catch her sister from her plummeting fall. The frightened scream of a child brought him fully back to his senses, and he quickly scrambled to his feet. Flames and smoke filled the top of the stairs, but standing there too, was a young girl. Though he had never seen her, Jacen could only assume it was Dauthi's daughter. His mind racing, he took assessment of the damaged staircase. The gap was far to wide to jump. A large tapestry hanging from the ceiling quickly offered him a different idea. Grabbing hold of the end of the heavy fabric, he balled it around his hand. Saying a silent pray, he nimbly began to scale the wall. If only he would make it in time..::

Akasha Romanus: ::Akasha hissed quietly through her teeth as Dauthi slipped away from her again, and again she found herself uncertain as to whether it was her sister or the bitch that had taken control of her body. A look of resolve upon her face, she took off after her, twisting in mid-air to make her way to her new destination, blood still streaming down her back in rivulets as the slick, new feathers tore their way out of the fragile wing membrane. The pain she ignored, as used to it now as she was used to everything else that came with being undead. Smoke was filling the air thickly, aggravating what had once been airways, making her eyes stream their watery, crimson tears, and as she neared the edge of the stair case where Dauthi was beside Cheyenne, she failed to see the enormous slab or stone falling from the ceiling above her. It impacted on her right shoulder, crushing the hollow crystalline structures that had replaced her old skeleton to fragments. She staggered, her footing precarious so near the edge, and slipped over backwards, barely managing to grasp the edge with her fingertips. It was a considerable effort to haul herself back up, the flames creating a heat that was almost unbearable, and so clouded was the air, that she could see neither Jacen or Dauthi and her daughter::

Dauthi Watchman: ::Dauthi had been headed for Cheyenne, her motherly adrenaline building seeing the small child, her daughter in danger. The assassin had tried to win a struggle it could not even fathom. She was a mother, fighting for the life of her child. She grabbed Cheyenne, putting the child upon her back, between her wings, just as Kasha toppled backward, as she fell, Dauthi twirled, catching her free wrist. Her mismatched spheres locked on those deep green emerald gems:: Oh no!!!! I just got back, fuck if you'll be leaving me now! ::slowly straining her muscles, she began to hall her sister, whose weight was exactly equal to her own, upward::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Too occupied with his own struggles, Jacen was unaware of the transpiring, too concerned with finding the other child. A few feet off the ground now, his feet firmly planted on the wall, his grip on the tapestry so tight his knuckles turned white, he began to run along the wall. Gravity pulled at him, eager to have it's way with him and send him crashing to the stone floor below, but Jacen was determined. His muscles bulging with strain as he built up momentum, he soon had a smooth rhythm going, his feet barely touching the wall as he used the tapestry as a pendulum. The gap in the stairs was nearly 20 feet. A mere hop for a vampire perhaps, the distance was far greater for a mortal. Almost reaching the end of the arc, Jacen could feel his grip begin to falter, but it did not matter at this point. With a cry of determination, he leapt away from the wall, letting the tapestry slip him his grasp as he used the speed to send him hurtling towards the upper portion of the destroyed staircase. His arms flailing as he soared momentarily through the air, his eyes widened as he saw he would fall short of his mark. Hoping to land on the stairs themselves, he saw now, that was an impossibility. His body slamming into the ledge the powerful energy ball had created, his fingers desperately sought to find a grip. Knowing the fall to the floor below would mean certain death, he jammed the fingers of one hand into a small crack barely providing enough room to do so. Years of physical training, and obsessive training had not left him weak and meager however, and Jacen clung with all his might. Dangling precariously over the chasm, he swung his free hand up to find another handhold. His shoulders red from exertion, sweat from the intense heat of the flames poured from his brow as he slowly but surely climbed to the safety of the top of the stairs. Breathing a sigh of relief, his arms and legs trembling from exertion, he did not bother to look back at how close his call had been, but instead charged up the stairs and for the tower, leaving the raging battle that ensued behind.::

Akasha Romanus: ::Startled to say the least, Akasha was almost speechless as she felt the grasp upon her arm, the firm tug away from the dizzying drop. For what seemed a long while she held her sister's gaze, searching her eyes almost longingly in the hopes that it was her sister's soul she would see reflected upon the beautiful cerulean surface. God, if there was such a being, was in their favour today, and with a broad, and genuine grin, that would have looked somewhat fierce to a human due to the presence of her fangs, she pulled Dauthi to her tightly with one arm, a slight tremble of relief, and perhaps pain coursing through her svelte little form. She was almost happy enough to ignore the terrible heat and the ferocious crackling, the warning snap as the timber supports began to gave way. Never one to let her attention be dragged from danger for too long, she stood up with a shocking alacrity, eyeing the damage to her arm as if she were looking at something that were not a part of her:: Don't worry I'm not going anywhere have to get Cheyenne out...where did Jacen go?

Dauthi Watchman: :Dauthi smiled warmly at her sister, seeing the face of fear fade. She could tell without a word, that Kasha knew this was her, that she had won the battle with her former self. Dau shook her head, as if to clear it.:: Jacen, that's right, I had...::In all honesty Dauthi's attention had so been enveloped in the struggle to break free, to take control, she had not consciously realized Jacen was here. Looking around startled she began to call out, but as Jacen's name formed upon her dark scarlet lips, another thought entered her mind. Oh my god!!!! Kasha...Lu is in here!! Have you seen him? ::frantically her eyes searched the smoke, even as Cheyenee began to choke and wheeze:: We have to find him! I can't leave until I do....::she looked upon Kasha with pleading eyes, as if her sister might provide her with the answers she sought, panic filling her heart, she twirled looking into the smoke, then stepping forward:: LU!!!! JACEN!!!!!!

Jacen Silvermoon: ::As their heart warming reunion took place, Jacen had been frantic searching the halls for the young prince, and by the time the two had even begun to realize Jacen was missing, he had the young boy safely in his arms. Dauthi's fearful calls were lost to him from the crackling of flames, but Jacen was already hurrying back to the stairs, the crying boy's face hidden behind his vest, so to offer him what little ease in breathing he could. Tears streaming from his face from the smoke, he struggled to not inhale as much of the deadly smoke as he could, one hand running along the wall as he hurried his way back, unable to find his way otherwise. Just a few, but heart wrenching moments after Dauthi had cried out for her child, Jacen stepped through the flames, his form slowly materializing from the smoke at the top of the stairs.:: Dauthi, Akasha! ::Calling out over the din, he opened his mouth to tell them to catch the boy, but at that instant a flaming rafter came crashing down for exactly where he stood. His tear filled, jade eyes widening as he saw the impending danger, his thoughts only on the safety of the prince in his arms, he did the first thing that came to mind, praying the women below would be fast acting enough to save the child. Barely throwing the boy out into the open air before the fiery missile crashed down, Jacen was lost from sight as sparks and smoke engulfed where he had been standing.::

Akasha Romanus: ::Akasha turned just in time to see Jacen, his form hazy through the smoke, and with a sickening feeling in her stomach, she knew that he must be suffering terribly from the smoke inhalation:: Dauthi get out quickly with Cheyenne! ::She was already moving across the hazardous space towards where Jacen was with the young heir in his arms, but before she could reach him, the blazing rafter collapsed before her. Eyes wide with panic for both of them, she skidded to a sudden halt, one arm held before her face to shield it from the sparks and fragments of wood which literally exploded into the air on impact. She landed heavily, almost flat on her back, and she could only believe that it was by some miracle that flying through the maelstrom unscathed, came the tiny prince, a blur of motion, hurtling directly towards her. Arms outstretched, her reflexes quicker than a hawks, she snatched the boy out of the air, automatically clasping him to her chest protectively, singed wings curling around him to form a barrier of sorts. He was too still for her liking, and she was filled with the dread that the perhaps he had not come through it unharmed. She scrambled back quickly, hands and feet slipping upon the slick marble, and as quickly as she could, returned to Dauthi:: Dauthi...take him...get both of them out...

Dauthi Watchman: ::There was no moments hesitation, no second thought about it. Dauthi grabbed her young son, pulling him and Cheyenne under her arms, she launched into the air. It seemed quite a feat for this tiny being to hoist the two wiggling toddlers and fly, but spreading her wings, Dauthi took flight with great ease. Up she rose, toward the very section of ceiling that had just fallen escaping out into a blanket of black bejeweled with millions of sparkling stars. The three Watchmen gasped in unison as fresh cool, night air filled their lungs. Dauthi maneuvered, rolling slightly so she was headed for the high grassy knoll that over looked the palace, but was well out of harm's way. Setting down she pulled her children into her lap, looking them over with a mother's eye, before smiling at them, kissing each little face in turn, then breaking down into violent sobs, that wracked her tiny form::

Jacen Silvermoon: ::Barely reeling back from the rafter before it came crashing down, Jacen had crawled back up the stairwell, desperate to escape the choking smoke. His lungs ready to burst with lack of fresh air, spots slowly came into his vision and sheer determination kept him conscious as he clawed his way up the stairs, his clothes smoking. His vision completely blurred, he gasped as he somehow managed to distance himself enough to breath a bit easier. Squinting through the haze, he barely made out the form of a window. Desperate for clean air to inhale, he crawled closer, but he could not hold out any longer. The smoke was too thick, and his lungs screamed for solace. Against his own will, his lips broke their seal and he inhaled deeply, his vision instantly being overwhelmed with spots as he felt his head spin. His vision blotching, everything soon began to fade out and he felt his head fall to the cold stone floor. Sinking to the ground, Jacen could resist no longer and let the darkness engulf him.:

Akasha Romanus: ::Akasha eyed the flaming stairwell reluctantly, a faint grimace curling the corner of her lip as she readied herself to plunge through the devouring heat. Normally had their been a human in danger, she would have left them to their probably would have been better for them in the long run, at least that was her way of thinking. Jacen however was one of the few exceptions, and his rescue was not something she thought twice about. One arm hanging uselessly at her side, she darted forwards, leaping forwards, planning her jump so that she would easily clear the flames. She cringed visibly as the flames licked and singed her lower legs, a few stray feathers fluttering into the blaze and producing a sickening crackle. Akasha was anything but fond of flames. She landed on their far side neatly, not bothering to hesitate and look around. She could see already that the rafter had not crushed him, and she quietly murmured a thank you to whichever higher power may be listening. She pressed on, not daring to be slow in her search, knowing how badly damaging the smoke would be, and soon came upon him, slumped unconscious not far ahead, obviously having been trying to reach the window. Using her one good arm, she snatched him up as easily as if he were a child, somewhat dwarfed by him, and dashed for the window, literally throwing herself through it using her crushed shoulder to break the glass. For a moment they plummeted as she fought for control, the flames bursting through the shattered glass after them with a terrible roar, but she wasn't willing to end the rescue with a headlong crash, and with a good deal of effort, she managed to fly them both towards where her sister had set down with the children, practically dropping Jacen on landing::

Dauthi Watchman: ::Dauthi rose as Kasha dropped Jacen, and although normally her concern would have been for her fallen friend first, she gave him not a second look. No, her mismatched eyes of blue, one deep like a rare sapphire, the other light and icy like the rarest of blue topaz affixed upon her sister. Her vision was blurred as again her gaze was filmed over by the bloody cloud of tears. Her tiny hand reached up, a finger running over the lightly scarred flesh of Kasha's lips. Flesh she had been forced to watch through helpless eyes, by marred. A horrific sob escaped Dauthi's full crimson lips. The torture she, some part of her inflicted upon this girl, her "otherhalf" tormented her. Taking Kasha into her grasp, her hand glowed the soft light blue of the remnants of her angel magic, and flowed like a gently wave of the ocean, into Kasha's shoulder. Soon Akasha was engulfed in the aura, her flesh and bone knitting back together. Without further thought, Dau pulled Akasha to her, wrapping her wings about her sister protectively as she hugged her, and yet again sobbed::

Akasha Romanus: ::Akasha stood stooped, limbs lacking all their energy, knees threatening to buckle at the slightest force against her, and so weary was she that she did not see her sister's approach. She looked up abruptly as she felt the gentle touch on her lips, her mind focusing again, forcing her to remain awake and concentrating, never mind how much she simply wanted to collapse and go to sleep. A faint smile flickered into being, the dim light of her eyes flashing gently beneath half-lowered lids. Soot smeared and far from in pristine condition, Akasha seemed to have lost her arrogant look for the moment, nothing haughty or suggestive of her typical haughty grandeur. It was pure relief that was making itself known now, bringing to life that characteristically emotionless visage. As Dauthi grasped her, she leaned lightly against her, her cheek resting upon Dauthi's narrow shoulder, and with the angel magic repairing her torn and exhausted body, she gave a soft sigh, summoning the energy to return the embrace, arms linking loosely around her back, wings hanging uselessly upon the ground where Jacen lay:: It's good to have you back...::Her Italian accented voice was for once, thick with emotion, even slightly husky::